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那幅画一定价值连城。That painting must be worth a king's ransom.

优秀的推荐引擎可谓价值连城。A good recommendation engine is worth a lot of money.

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有个狂徒在那幅价值连城的画上乱凿了几个洞。A maniac had gouged several holes in the priceless painting.

一块羊脂白玉的价值动辄成千上万,甚至价值连城。One suet-jade may costs thousands of money or even priceless.

这是一幅名家的手笔,一幅价值连城的作品,我的恩人!A painting by a master, a picture of great value, my benefactor!

艺术博物馆允许你为更清楚看见价值连城的美术作品而尽量靠近。Art museums let you stand close enough to paintings to see them.

作为信息管理的一个简单系统,博客价值连城。As a simple system for content management, blogs are invaluable.

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安妮丝将他们发现价值连城的水晶球的事情全都告诉了母亲。Anneliese told her mother all about the valuable geodes they had found.

而冬宫的大理石装饰光彩夺目,五彩缤纷,价值连城!But the magnificence of sparkling marble adornment, colourful, priceless!

那就是使研讨会诩诩如生,并对每个参与者而言价值连城的要素。That's what makes the workshop lively and valuable for everyone involved.

价值连城的矿物存在于海底,等着被发掘。Valuable amounts of minerals exist on the ocean floor, ready to be mined.

庆典时,王妃脖子里戴着价值连城的璎珞。The princess consort is wearing an invaluable necklace during the celebration.

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他吓坏了,交给了他们一个价值连城的达米安·赫斯特风格的钻石外壳的头骨。Terrified, he hands them a priceless Damien Hirst-style diamond-encrusted skull.

贱价出售的商品已司空见惯且唾手可得,即使是本身价值连城的东西也是。The lowest price for any good worth pricing is now available to anyone, anywhere.

“阿富汗战争中被埋藏的秘密对我们而言价值连城,”他随后说道。“The secrecy that has enveloped the war in Afghanistan is very costly to us,” he continued.

“阿富汗战争中被埋藏的秘密对我们而言价值连城,”他随后说道。“The secrecy that has enveloped the war in Afghanistan is very costly to us, ” he continued.

全世界的黄金才能与它等值,而它比国王的红宝石更价值连城。It is worth all the gold that is in the world, and is more precious than the rubies of the kings.

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你放了我,但你并不知道在我的嘴中有一个价值连城的大珍珠。You put me, but you have a worth an and very valuable and big pearl in my mouth really do not know.

但是,贝德解释说相同的化学性质使得它们很难被提炼出来,也使得他们价值连城。But Mr. Bader explains that the same properties that make them hard to refine also make them valuable.

堡内珍藏价值连城的古董及艺术品,豪华镶金的室内游泳池令您叹为观止。You will marvel at the priceless collections of art and antique pieces and the flit-edged swimming pool.