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研究2N体问题2层正多边形中心构型。Two layer regular polygon central configurations of 2N-body problems are studied.

通过对正多边形相似变换性质的分析,提出了新型打捆预成型机构。Through analyzing the similarity transformation character of regular polygon, a new fashioned formation mechanism of bundling was designed.

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采用不规则凸多边形的笛卡儿积构成的凸集代替正多边形的笛卡儿积构成的凸集,前者比后者更紧凑。One convex set which is Cartesian product of nonregular convex polygons is used instead of the other convex set which is Cartesian product of regular polygons.

据此,可以由正多边形物体的正投影像提取原像的尺寸,实现物像关系的标定。Therefore, the size of the equilateral polygon can be uniquely extracted by its front-projection image and the photogrammetric calibration can be done accordingly.

研究了张力腿平台的辐射问题,重点研究了浮筒柱正多边形分布情况下,总体辐射附加质量和阻尼系数计算问题。It studied the radiation problem of TLP, and paid attention to the computation of added mass and added damping about TLP which cylinders are set as regular polygon.

托勒密定理主要用于圆内线段的计算和证明,解决正多边形的一些尺规作图问题。For instance, calculating and demonstrating about the length of line segments in a circle and solving problems concerning drawing regular polygon with ruler and compass.

并利用正多边形顶点与形心的关系约束形成射影不变性,用来自动检测目标的旋转中心。Depending on the special relationship between vertexes and their center in a regular polygon a projective invariance is formed to extract the rotational center of object.

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研究2N体问题2层正多边形中心构型。给出了2层正多边形中心构型存在的条件方程,论证了解的存在性。Two layer regular polygon central configurations of 2N-body problems are studied. The conditional equations and existence proof of these solutions of the problems are given.

通过对一种正多边形回转车削简易装置的分析,阐述了正多边形回转车削成形原理,并建立了刀尖相对于工件的轨迹方程。Through analyzing a simple rotary cutting device for regular polygon, the forming principle was introduced, and the equation of knifepoint relative to workpiece was established.

本文拟给出正多边形框及正多边形面轴线上的场强分布,并讨论了若干极限情形,取得了预期的结果。In this paper, the electric-field intensity distributions on the axes of charged regular polygon frame and surface are introduced, and the results in critical conditions are discussed.

N体问题不仅存在做匀速圆周运动的正多边形解,而且存在非匀速运动的正多边形解,这就是圆锥曲线解。Besides the regular polygon solutions of uniform circular motions, the regular polygon solutions of non-uniform motions also exist for N-body problems, which is known as conic solutions.