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很轻易就充塞那小小的剧院。Filling the little theatre. with ease.

鱼的瀑布,青花鱼充塞的大海The salmon-falls, the mackerel-crowded seas

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他把那幅画冒充塞尚的真迹卖掉了。He palmed off the painting as a genuine Cezanne.

堕落与羞辱充塞著他的童年。Childhood was nothing but depravation and humiliation.

要是你找到了这样一位伴侣,你的人生就完备了,充塞了欢娱。And if you find such a friend, You feel happy and complete.

各个场所,只要它们能够生存,便会很快地把它充塞。All would rapidly stock every station in which they could anyhow exist.

老男孩们的摩托车接踵而行,回家的路上我们充塞了道路。The boys on the bikes rode in a bunch. Back home we would fill the road.

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在全球化时代我们住哪并不重要像念咒声充塞耳畔。It's a mantra of the age of globalization that where we live doesn't matter.

宇宙充塞著沙粒大小的流星体。Meteoroids are small particles in space with size similar to grains of sand.

人们用冰淇凌、各种胡说和垃圾来充塞他们。People are filling themselves with ice cream and all kinds of nonsense, junk.

不见那唯一充塞天地的人,这是何等的空虚!What a void in the absence of the being who, by herself alone fills the world!

仁义充塞而至于率兽食人,人将相食,谓之亡天下。Ren injects As for the rate of animal food, will cannibalism , that the world perishes.

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这种特性充塞已越来越耽误下一代操作系统。This feature cram has increasingly delayed the next generation of the operating system.

队伍蜿蜒在长达数里的、密集地充塞着沉默人群的街道上。The procession wound through miles and miles of streets densely packed with silent people.

当年的几十年中洋货充塞着成长中国度的市场。In the past few deccommerciinges foreign goods flooded the markets of the developing countries.

它充塞大气,覆盖地表,还巧妙地进入了石床的缝隙。It saturates the atmosphere, covers the Earth's surface and wheedles its way into bedrock cracks.

当生硬的外廓线和庞大的建筑怪物充塞着城市,谁能不觉得恍惚无措?When rigid, empty lines and the construction monster gets a huge city, who do not feel faintly bad?

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然而,在爱抚和渐升的兴奋中,前列腺和睾丸由于液体充塞会变大。However, during foreplay and increased arousal, the prostate gland and the testicles become swollen with fluid.

接着满屋子充塞越来越多的纸张,在我找到地方扔之前还得去整理它们。Then I just wind up with more paper cluttering up my place that I have to sort through before I can throw away.

你可以安装程序、添加软件库,甚至还能删除那些充塞你的硬盘的垃圾文件和不用的内核文件。You can add programs, add repositories, and even get rid of garbage files and kernels clogging your hard drive.