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我想这是游戏的画龙点睛之处。I think that got a lot of press for the game.

在英汉语言中,明喻都起到了画龙点睛的作用。Simile makes the finishing point in Chinese and English.

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利用好它,为你的人生添上画龙点睛的一笔!Make good use of it, for your life, add a finishing touch!

这篇文章的最后一句话具有画龙点睛的作用。The last sentence of this essay makes the finishing point.

这左辅画龙点睛越过对方的后卫线。The inside left is passing the oppose side's fullback line.

牌匾的题款乃是画龙点睛之笔。The plaque is the title section of the finishing touch pen.

一颗小小的纽扣,可能对服装起到画龙点睛的作用。A small button, may play a finishing touch on the role of clothing.

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这条丝巾为她今天的服装起到了画龙点睛的作用。This scarf makes the finishing point of the clothes she wears today.

那幅画我几乎快完成了。我只需要画龙点睛。I'm almost done with the painting.I just need to put on the finishing touches.

提高意想不到的效果,就在笑话的最后抛出笑料,或者是一句画龙点睛的结语,这是最好的方法!To enhance the surprise, it's best to place the punch line at the end of the joke.

添加画龙点睛喜欢的色彩校正的渲染,相机的抖动,运动模糊等。Add final touch to the renders like color correction, camera shake, motion blur etc.

她的美除了形式美以外,非常关键的是与周边环境融为一体,有画龙点睛之妙。The key of her beauty besides formal beauty is reconciled with surrounding environment.

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如果结合镂空工艺更是画龙点睛,相得益彰。If combined with pierced processes but also put the finishing touch, complement each other.

博物馆序厅设计,是博物馆展示陈列设计的“画龙点睛”之笔。The design of Museum preface hall gives the finishing touch to display of Museums exhibits.

最后,人们请来当地的专家,爱斯基摩妇女,以便给冰屋做最后的画龙点睛。The men then call in the resident expert, the Eskimo woman, to put the finishing touches on the igloo.

青铜镜永远是一个经久不衰的华美饰物,而一只造型的优美的大茶壶也会成为房间里的画龙点睛之笔。Bronze mirrors are always a classic decorating choice, and a nice urn can be the focal point of a room.

另外,加点项链,丝巾什么的配饰做点缀,相信会画龙点睛哦!In addition, a necklace, scarf what accessories do embellishment, believed to be the finishing touch oh!

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这幅画很优美,如果在这儿再加一些点缀,那就起到了画龙点睛的作用了。The painting is beautiful. If you can put some ornament here, that could be makeing the finishing point.

以想象为基础的示现辞格作为语言艺术的瑰宝,在诗词意境的创造拓展方面有着画龙点睛的作用。Based on imagination, figures of speech have the key function in the extension of the artistic mood of poems.

闪闪发光的胸针,无论你把它别在衣领或头发上,都会有画龙点睛的效果。Glisten breastpin, no matter you fasten it on collar or hair, can have the effect that make the finishing point.