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腋芽或侧芽是生在枝的侧面叶腋内的芽。Axillary or lateral buds develop in the leaf axils.

不论顶芽及侧芽,均在四月底到五月初开始萌发。All the pear buds tested in Taipei area began to sprout from late-April to early-May.

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蛋白质和氨基酸含量水平与侧芽分化数量相平行。Content of protein and amino acid has positive relation with quantity of lateral bud differentiation.

科学家们称生长素可以间接作用于主干的侧芽上以阻止其分枝。Scientists say the auxin has an indirect effect on buds on the side of the stem to prevent branching.

叶芽的隐芽不具萌发性,但是顶芽遭受损伤以后,下部侧芽能重新抽发新枝。Additionally, the lateral buds would sprout out and become leading after the apex shoots were damaged.

有时在主叶脉有斑叶的花样。通常单个顶芽,很少有侧芽。标准型。May appear variegated with mottled pattern over main veins. Usually upright single crown, rarely suckers. Standard.

在植物中顶端芽的生长可以抑制侧芽生长的现象。Apical dominance. The phenomenon in which the presence of a growing apical bud on a plant inhibits the growth of lateral buds.

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目的检测坐骨神经端侧吻合后IGF-IR的表达规律,探讨其在促进侧芽生长中的作用。Objective To study the law of IGF-IR expression and its role in promoting collateral sprouting after sciatic nerve end-to-side neu-rorraphy.

结果表明,抑芽药棒对烟株上部叶片生长没有不良影响,对抑制烟草侧芽生长效果明显。The results show that the stick with inhibitors has the significant retarding effect for the lateral bud growth and no bad effect for upper leaf growth.

描述植物的一种分枝情况,主杆的顶芽停止生长而由两侧的侧芽代替生长。Sympodial Describing the system of branching in plants in which the terminal bud of the main stem axis stops growing and growth is taken over by lateral buds.

在很多植物包括拟南芥中,侧芽的生长会被顶端花序的生长抑制,这就是植物特有的顶端优势现象。In many plant species, includingArabidopsis, the growth of axillary meristems is inhibited by the primary inflorescence, a phenomenon generally known as apical dominance.

结论用驱蚊草的顶芽和侧芽作为外植体,利用组织培养的方法能够实现驱蚊草的大规模商业化生产和繁殖种苗。Conclusion We may use the top and lateral buds as the explants, and adopt tissue culture to realize the large-scale commercialized production and seed seedling breeding of Quwencao.

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目的探讨当归侧芽发育发生形态变异后是否引起多糖及阿魏酸含量显著的变化。Objective To compare the contents of Ferulic Acid and Polysaccharide in Angelica Sinensis oliv. with Lotiform Angelica sinensis because of the morphosis related to lateral bud of Angelica Sinensis.

由根尖产生并向地上运输的细胞分裂素在克服顶端优势,促进侧芽生长的过程中必不可少。From root the sharp creation combine the cell division vegetable that transports toward the ground Be overcoming the top advantage, promote the essential to have in the process of the side bud growth.