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这是美国地质学书目数据库的网站。This is the website of GeoRef.

这是地质学文摘数据库的网页。This is the webpage of Geobase.

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目前它正被应用于地质学。Now it is being applied to geology.

那是一个与地质学有关的问题。It is a problem that relates to geology.

可是我对地质学更感兴趣。However, I have more interest in geology.

弗雷德有广泛的地质学背景知识。Fred had an extensive background in geology.

译在地质学中,火成岩曾是炽热的液体。In geology, igneous rocks were once hot liquid.

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地质学、地理学和技术学的前沿The Frontiers of Geology, Geography and Technology

地质学上的一个“纪”通常被划分为两个或多个“期”。An era is usually divided into two or more periods.

矿物学是大地科学地质学的一个分支。Mineralogy is a brand of the great earth science geology.

“人类世地质学”即是这种科学走向的最好概括。"Anthropocene geology" is the best science to the general.

地质学文献题录与索引。Bibliography and Index of Geology, with Annual Cumulations.

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地质学上,此石材属于火山凝灰岩。In petrographic terms, this stone is defined as volcanic tufa.

收藏恐龙的化石和古骼、古生物学及地质学。Collect dinosaur fossils and skeletons, paleontology, and geology.

他曾是佐治亚大学的地质学客座教授。He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Georgia.

热释光测年是地貌与第四纪地质学中一种新的技术手段。TL Dating is a new technique in Geomophology and Quaternary geology.

这一主题被分为水文地质学和地质水文学。The subject matter was subdivided into geohydrology and hydrogeology.

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坦白地说,我从来没有学过地质学或有机化学。Here is where I admit I have never taken Geology or Organic Chemistry.

慢跑者在生态学和地质学之间进行了切析类比。The jogger made an analytical analogy between the ecology and geology.

选修地质学或地理课程。Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography.