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为什么截止日期会是这样呢?Why the cutoff date?

你喜欢截止日期么?Do you love deadlines?

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预定截止期限到期。The reservation deadline expires.

目标就是一个有截止日期的梦想。A goal is a dream with a deadline.

截止日前的检查权。Inspection Rights Prior to Closing.

高压截止器开关出故障。Faulty high pressure cut-off switch.

在她的观念里没有“截止日期”。In her mind, there are no deadlines.

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第一次作业是在下周截止The first one will be due next week.

提供建议的截止期为2011年1月6日。The proposal deadline is Jan. 6, 2011.

最后通牒规定的期限到明天中午截止。The ultimatum expires at noon tomorrow.

截止2008年,这一数字下降到了1700万立方米。By 2008, that dropped to 17m cubic metres.

毕业论文截止的日期,和期中考试那一周重复。My thesis is due the same week as midterms.

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从图书馆借出来的书都盖上了归还的截止日期。When did he return the book to the library?

现在你知道如何处理手头的截止日期了吗?Do you know how to deal with your deadlines?

截止3月30日,已报告132例。As of 30 March, 132 cases have been reported.

截止去显示右侧的旋转设计。The cut-away shows a right-hand twist design.

而且这个未来是有截止期的。And it's a vision that has an expiration date.

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但他们没能在截止时间之前完成。But they don't do it by the required deadline.

不要把事情攒到截止日期再做。Do not do things that save to the cut-off date.

截止点的定义取决于您自己。It's up to you to define your own cutoff point.