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它的监狱。Its jail.

带回888号监狱去。Back to 888.

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现在关在关塔那摩监狱。Now in Gitmo.

你们锁在监狱里了。You’re in jail.

苏被关进监狱。Sue's in prison.

现在,她暂时在监狱外面。For now, she is out.

他仍然待在监狱。He is still in jail.

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美国的监狱系统。Prison system in US.

有两名至今还在监狱。Two are still in jail.

把她押到监狱里。She was sent to prison.

他因什么罪而蹲监狱的?What crime is he in for?

县监狱囚犯搜索。Find County jail inmates.

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他们应该被关进监狱。They should be in prison.

这解释了Abu,Ghraib监狱丑闻。This explains Abu Ghraib.

我们在监狱里做了什么呢?What did we do in prison?

他们把他押到监狱。They carted him off to jail.

可以说基本上就是个监狱This is a prison, basically.

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约翰犯了法,被关进监狱。John the law and he was into.

约翰尼卡什在Folsom监狱吗?Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison?

监狱门哐声。The prison gate clanged shut.