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那出戏在这个城市不卖座。The play did not take in this city.

管乐队卖座率仍然很高。The brass band still plays to packed houses.

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那些说性爱戏卖座的人显然不怎么看电影。Whoever said that sex sells must not watch movies.

学会美国十次了这部电影卖座率奇低,没有人去看。The movie wfor continually being a flop. Nobody went to see it.

每一个制片人和导演都梦想着他们的电影会很流行并卖座。Every producer and director dreams that their movie will be a smash-hit.

你看过中国武打明星成龙主演的卖座影片吗?。Have you ever seen a hit movie played by Jackie Chan, a superb Chinese martial artist?

只要掌握了技巧,创作出下一部卖座电影剧本的人可能就是你。Learn how you can create a movie script that could be the next big box office success.

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其中最著名的拥护者是在中国最卖座的导演冯小刚。One of its foremost proponents is the country's most bankable director, Feng Xiaogang.

全世界最卖座的女影星之一朱莉在兔年的财运就很旺。For Jolie, one of the world's top box office stars, financial luck will be hers this year.

世界知名电影频道,播放荷里活卖座猛片,片源来自荷里活大电影制作公司。The world's best-known movie channel with top motion pictures from major Hollywood studios.

他会与我们一同分享这部卖座电影制作的最诱人秘密,如同亲密朋友那样。He will share with us, like close friends do, the best secrets in the construction of this hit film.

一份报纸说,一部花了三千四百万美元摄制的影片卖座率很低。也就是说,这部电影的本钱都收不回来。A newspaper says that a picture that had cost 34 million dollars to make has bombed at the box office.

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1935年到1938年期间,有连续四年时间里秀兰·邓波尔是好莱坞最卖座的影星For four years in a row form 1935 to 1938 Shirley Temple was the number one box office star in Hollywood

她最狂扫了所有最佳女性的艺术家奖赏,音乐会系列销售一空,是时代的最卖座歌手。She swept Best Female artist awards, sold-out concert series and was the best-selling singer of the era.

1935年到1938年期间,有连续四年时间里秀兰·邓波尔是好莱坞最卖座的影星。For four years in a row from 1935 to 1938 Shirley Temple was the number one box-office star in Hollywood.

在一九五四年的绅士爱美人中,梦露有突破性演出,这部疯狂卖座的电影让她赢得好评。Her breakout role came in 1954 with Gentleman Prefer Blondes, a wildly popular movie that won her praise.

若声势维持,可能下周一光是台北卖座即可宣告破亿。To maintain the momentum if, next Monday may be just a declaration to break box-office in Taipei billion.

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过去许多年里,西方一直根据演员的卖座率来挑选主要演员。In the West , for many years , actors for leading roles were chosen primarily for their box-office appeal.

2011年众多卖座大片中不计其数的标志性戏服正成为今年万圣节人们模仿的对象。Successful films of 2011 have bought countless iconic costumes that are being replicated for this year’s Halloween.

伊朗最卖座的女明星,格什菲?法拉哈尼,因大胆出演好莱坞电影而被迫流亡国外。Iran's most bankable female star, Golshifteh Farahani, was hounded abroad for daring to perform in a Hollywood film.