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他仅仅是涉足政治而已。He just dabbles in politics.

他们浅尝涉足于右翼政治。They dabble in right-wing politics.

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李律师有相当多的客户涉足房地产。Property law is one of Jill's expertise.

想要涉足易货行业?Want to wade into the world of bartering?

涉足河水者,方知水深浅。He knows the water best who has waded through it.

也许他们正预备在不久的将来涉足家居饰品这一领域?Maybe they could try out the furniture world soon?

除客户外,很少有外界人士能涉足这里。Aside from customers, few outsiders set foot inside.

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我涉足于深山巨谷之中。I am involved in the huge valley among the mountains.

冉阿让一肚子闷气,不再涉足花园。Jean Valjean, who was shy, never set foot in the garden.

在研究本主题的过程中,你还涉足哪些领域?What fields do you draw on for the study of your subject?

徐氏七次游浙,浙江是他涉足次数最多的省份。Xu toured Zhejiang seven times as his most favorite place.

不要涉足政界,那简直是自找麻烦。Do not get involved with politics. That'sborrowing trouble.

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兰德刚搬去肯塔基州一年就涉足了政治。Randwaded into politics within a year of moving to Kentucky.

是的,我们涉足文学,或者通俗点说是记叙文。Yes, we dabble in literature, and more generally, narrative.

但您是怎样涉足,文化政策的呢?But how did you get involved in your work in cultural policy?

例如,马修·布雷迪就很少涉足战地。Mathew Brady, for instance, rarely set foot on a battlefield.

要是议员涉足丑闻,他的亨通仕途就此终结了。Senator in a scandal he’ll loose his beltway to the fast track.

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这就是人生的结局,一个人们从未涉足的虚无的领地。The ending of our life remains an untrodden part in this world.

没有它们,我们可能永远也不会涉足“真爱”的舞台。Without them, we might never venture into the "real love" arena.

这儿,是我正涉足池畔,于水中拔起的。And here what I now draw from the water, wading in the pond-side.