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这个悬崖!The cliff!

黄昏时分的莫赫悬崖。Cliffs of Moher at sunset.

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一座庙宇耸峙在悬崖之上。A temple perched on a cliff.

他被追逼到了悬崖边上。He was hounded to the cliff.

中国正开下悬崖。China is driving off a cliff.

悬崖在海边垂直峭立。The cliff rose in a vertical.

“到悬崖边来,”他说。"Come to the edge, " he said.

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俄狄浦斯上遇到了狮身人面像悬崖。Oedipus met Sphinx on a cliff.

多明尼克攀登的悬崖!The cliff that Dominic climbed!

小路等沿着悬崖。The path verges on a precipice.

我们正站在悬崖边。We are standing at a precipice.

我们慢慢地用力攀上悬崖。We slowly muscled up the cliff.

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高耸于悬崖之上的一棵松树。A pine tree overlooks the cliff.

在他的脚下,悬崖开始变得陡峭起来。The cliff fell away at his feet.

这里已经干了很久了,靠近悬崖一边的路面很松弛了,记住一定要靠着山走。Be sure to hug the mountain side.

这个设计像悬崖的峭面,又像一个瀑布,有一个巨大的圆屋顶和半透明的表皮。its design resembles a cliff face

我们也许正位于悬崖边上。We may be standing at a precipice.

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悬崖在他脚下陡降下去。The cliff dropped away at his feet.

在那个地点,悬崖骤然变得陡峭起来。The cliff drops away at that point.

悬崖峭立于海面。The cliff rises sheer from the sea.