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编辑将根据文章质量考虑是否送审。The editors will consider whether your submission qualifies for review.

能够独立完成船舶电气送审设计,详细设计,生产设计,独挡一面。Can finish ship electrical design for approval detail and production autocephaly.

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网上很多的是送审版本,这是权威正式版。To trial versions of many of the Internet, which is the authority of the official version.

我们很遗憾地通知您,您的稿件将不能够进入下面的送审程序。We regret to inform you that we cannot admit the manuscript into the formal peer review process.

国土部主要负责对证监会送审企业的购地、用地合规性予以审核。The ministry should check the company's behaviour of chasing land, which is recommended by the commission.

经审查需要修改的,送审机构应当在修改后,依照本规定重新送审。Where modification is required, the applicants shall apply for censoring again after modifying accordingly.

按此说法,撤销送审制度就可以降低门槛,引入竞争。If this is the case, the abolition of the approval system will lower the threshold and increase competition.

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同日,证监会批准了同为第3批送审的另外4家公司在创业板融资上市。On the same day, it approved applications from another 4 firms for GEM listing in the 3rd batch of applicants.

将三位申请升等教师之送审著作及目录送院。The three applicants' publications and their publication lists will be submitted to the College for evaluation.

第一次报批被驳回后,在林肯郡建一座秸秆电厂的修改方案已经重新送审。Plans for a straw burning power station in Lincolnshire have been resubmitted after a first attempt was rejected.

文学翻译类中,在不到40部的送审作品中,仅有5部入选,而无一部作品最终获奖。Translation class, in less than 40 of works for the Ministry, only five were selected, but no final award of a work.

展览会大多要求展出者将设计送审,并要求展出者施工前办理手续。The exhibition design requirements exhibitor will mostly requirements, and exhibitor approval formalities prior to construction.

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送审作品普遍在英文的注解上偏弱,作品中看到很多「一厢情愿」、不合文法的英文。Most competition entries this year are weak in English project description. There are lots of ungrammatical English blatantly used.

根据设计方提供的资料,供方完成设计图纸,由设计方送审。The supplier finishes the design drawing according to the date provided by the designer and the designer will submit it for approval.

月,进入安海船舶,主要设计制造各类船用起重设备,及相关船级社的送审认可资料。In august of 2008, I entered jiangyin safety sea marine equipment co. , ltd. The main work is design and make cranes of all kinds of ships.

即使勉强送审,那些缺乏科学假设或研究方案设计不严谨的申请都不会得高分。Even if some sort of trial, those assumptions or lack of scientific research program design is not a strict application will not get high marks.

至少要比提出的接缝生产起始日提前2个月,将交替式伸缩接缝的使用建议送审。The proposal for the use of an alternative expansion joint shall be submitted at least 2 months prior to the proposed commencement of joint manufacture.

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比如,在稿件送审过程中,究竟采用纸质文件方便还是电子文件方便,是网络化进程中出现的突出问题。For example, in the process of paper sending, which is better the paper document or the electronic document? That is the prominent problem in the course of network.

广电总局应当依前款规定的审查期限作出复审决定,并将行政许可决定书面通知送审机构。The SARFT shall make a decision of reexamination within the time limit as stipulated in the preceding paragraph and shall notify the applicant of the decision in writing.

他说根本没考虑过拿电影去广电总局送审。Mr. Zhao said he never considered registering the film with the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, also known as Sarft, the main regulator and censor of films.