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歌手身上佩带贴身传声筒。The singer was body-miked.

美国谈判员的角色变成了提供信息和资金的没有人情味的传声筒。The American negotiator 's role becomes that of an impersonal purveyor of information and cash.

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文学既不能单纯成为政治的传声筒,又不能成为脱离生活意义的纯文学。Literature should not act as the mouthpiece of politics or become pure literature away from life.

一直担任ETA传声筒的加拉日报22日报导,ETA计画宣布从周五开始永久休战。ETA plans to declare a permanent ceasefire from Friday, a report in the Basque newspaper Gara said on March 22, 2006.

我们呼吁阿富汗媒体停止传播谎言,不要成为仇视伊斯兰的西方媒体的传声筒。We also call on Afghani media to stop spreading the lies of Islam hating western media by becoming their translators.

社会新闻由最初简单的传声筒的功能,逐步向扩音器、新闻处理器的功能转换。Megaphone is the simplest function of social news in early period, gradually shifts to loudspeaker and news processor.

对于保守党而言,它可以让人们就削减财政支出展开讨论,而不会让人觉得自己无非是有钱人的传声筒而已。For the Tories, it offers a way to discuss reducing spending without sounding as if they are merely the mouthpiece of the wealthy.

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实际上,如果他们真的不满足于做候选人的传声筒的话,我有一些非常简单的提示给他们。In fact, if they were truly motivated to be more than just megaphones for the campaigns, I've got a spectacularly simple for them.

作者们认为它可能被用来在系统中安放一个“传声筒”,以改进对于诸如烧伤和腿部溃疡之类伤痛的的治疗。The authors believe it can be used to put "a megaphone in the system" to improve the treatment of injuries such as burns and leg ulcers.

另一方面,本文也深入分析为何在战时状态下,大众媒介一味站在政府角度和立场,成为政府战时的传声筒和宣传机器。On the other side, the paper also makes research of why the press kept step with the government to be its megaphone and propaganda machine during the war time.

讲故事人有时代表隐含作者的价值观和道德信仰,他是隐含作者戴的面具和传声筒,是可靠叙事人。When an "I" story_teller represents the value system and ethics of the implied author, he becomes his spokesman and his mask and is called a reliable narrator.

文学家不觉中成为政活的传声筒,为殖民主义摇旗呐喊,助推英帝国的殖民扩张政策与海上霸权的建立。Consciously or not, take the role of a politician to eulogize ColOnialism i As a result, the Empire's colonization and power on the sea was laid a solid foundation.

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这天晚上,材干部们登上屋顶,拿着传声筒通知老乡第二天一大早带着磙子、耙和耧下地。That very evening village leaders got up on the roofs with megaphones and shouted for the people to bring rollers, seeders and planters to the fields early the next day.

所谓知识份子的个体自由,不仅在于他有我手写我心的奢侈和优势,而且在于他能充当沉默无语者的代言人和传声筒。What we call the freedom of the individual is not just the luxury of one intellectual to write what he likes to write but his being a voice which can speak for those who are silent.

进行远距离沟通也有点像在玩小孩子玩的传声筒游戏,孩子们围成一个圈,通过耳语把信息在圈子里面流转。Communicating long-distance can also feel a bit like the children’s game of “telephone, ” where each child in a circle repeats a message to the next child in the circle in a whisper.

安在勇也得知音讯到了万滨村,阿三哥义愤填膺地控诉IPIC,他如今以为安在勇曾经改动,变成替IPIC说话传声筒不再是真相英雄。Ann in yong also learned to WanBin village, from three elder brother outraged indictment, o IPIC, he now thought Ann in yong once spoke for change, become IPIC purveyor is no longer the truth hero.