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在这儿只有折磨神经戕害身体的苦工,没有思想。He had no thoughts save for the nerve-racking, body- destroying toil.

这样的两党共识正在戕害民主和我们的经济前途。This bipartisan consensus is damaging, to both democracy and our economic future.

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在“不要戕害病人”的思维模式下,住院医生们都小心翼翼,希望不要养成病人的药瘾。The residents, in full "do no harm" mode, were focused on not fostering anyone's drug habit.

因为科技的滥用而漠视人性、戕害人文、那是不可取的。It is undesirable to ignore humanity and cripple humanism because of the abuse of technology.

我既无法吃饭,也无法进入梦乡,我的肌体受到了癌症极为严重而紧迫的戕害。I was unable to eat, I could not sleep and was severely affected by the poisons from the tumour.

又或者,这是一本惊悚之作,讲述男人的故事,他们热爱妻子但却将她们戕害,或者干脆希望她们一一死去。Or perhaps it is a thriller, about men who love their wives but kill them, or simply wish they were dead.

虽然恐怖分子是以暴力来主持正义,但无论其目标有多崇高,都难以成其为戕害无辜的正当理由。While terrorists claim justice by violence, no goal, however lofty, can justify the murder of innocent people.

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技术的进步应受到价值理性的导引,以不戕害人性的健全发展为前提。So technology development should be guided by the reasonable value in order not to do harm to humanity development.

社会是一张阔叶,而文明则是杀虫剂,防止丧心病狂之徒对社会造成严重戕害。Society is a broad-leaved, and civilized is the insecticide to prevent the insane of the believers cause serious harm to society.

随着市场的复苏,通膨疑虑将会带动利率上扬,并戕害经济成长."As markets revive, fear of inflation will drive up interest rates, which will choke off recovery," he said at a breakfast in New York.

然而,这种行为严重戕害了青少年的灵魂,损害了他们的身心健康。However, such practice seriously contaminating the soul of the youngster and damaging the mental and physical health of the adolescents.

但假使城中城抢走既有餐厅的生意,可能进一步戕害拉斯维加斯这个被无垠沙漠围绕,而一度死气沉沉的铁路止水带。But if it cannibalizes existing restaurants it could further wound this once-sleepy railroad watering stop beset by an immensity of sand.

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本文以西方现代思想为坐标,来反思现代社会对人的心灵和精神的戕害。In this paper, with the coordinates of modern Western thinking, I will reflect on modern society on the human soul and spirit of the harm.

这个岛上的居民身体受到白人疾病的戕害,文化受到善意的传教士的摧残,只有等待绝种的份儿。The islanders , their bodies ravaged by the white man's diseases and their culture destroyed by well-meaning missionaries, await extinction.

理性维度的放大则招致理性的专横自负,在戕害个人自由的同时也减损了自身的价值。The magnification of rationality tends to rational arbitrariness which damages individual freedom and disparages the self-value of rationality.

历史上,外部力量为防止民众免遭政府戕害而军事介入他国的案例不多,此次介入可位列其中。This is also one of the few times in history when outside forces have intervened militarily to save the lives of citizens from their government.

但针对这次戕害网路的立法,所引发的不愉快经验,我认为,这应该是再次揭竿起义,将茶叶倒入虚拟港口的革命时刻了。Given the atrocity that this legislation would seek to inflict on the Net, I decided it was as good a time as any to dump some tea in the virtual harbor.

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这样做只起反作用,可是,多数老师特别是班主任还是这样恶性循环着自己的人生,一届届地戕害着学生。This is only counterproductive, but the majority of teachers in particular, the class teacher or so the vicious cycle of your life, next session to harm the students.

然相关人士藉由运用职务之便,违背了忠实义务,趁机谋取不当利益,往往会戕害了投资人的信心与证券市场的公平性。Certain corporate executives have exploited the privilege of their positions, betrayed trust and made illegal profits, hurting both investor confidence and market equitability.

收押人有通讯与会面的之权利是人权的基本保障,进而杜绝诸如刑求、虐待、失踪等人权戕害之情事。The rights of detainees to communicate with others and to receive visits are fundamental safeguards against human rights abuses such as torture, ill-treatment and "disappearances".