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在风暴中松树低垂。The pines bowed low in the storm.

他因疲倦而低垂着双肩。His shoulders drooped with tiredness.

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低垂的云雾笼罩着机场。Low-hanging clouds befogged the airport.

他坐在轮椅里,面孔朝下低垂着。He sits in a wheelchair, his face lowered.

她双眼低垂,脸色羞红。She lowered her eyes and blushed slightly.

低垂,比默哀深长!凛冽的。Drooping, longer than silent tribute! Nippy.

留一吻一泪于你低垂的眉间。With a kiss and a tear on thy drooping brow.

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他瘫坐了一会,低垂着头。He sits slumped a moment more, his head down.

低垂着美丽的头,恋慕而不敢同躺。Bending a beautiful head, worshipping not lying.

啊,我出生高贵,却在此双翼低垂。Born to higher things, here I droop my wings, ah!

柳枝低垂在水面上。The branches of the willows drooped over the water.

再没有什么比低垂着的眼睛更看得清楚的了。There is nothing which examines like a downcast eye.

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这里有一个低垂的成熟果实等待摘取。Here there is low-hanging fruit ripe for the picking.

找一棵上面有低垂的树枝的粗冬青树。Find a thick evergreen tree with low-hanging branches.

首先缓慢走来的一群人,头部低垂。First, comes a group of shuffling people, heads bowed.

我走在街上慢慢地沿着我的头低垂。I walked slowly along the street with my head drooped.

大雨过后树枝低垂。The branches of the tree drooped after the heavy rain.

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“我也不知道”,她目光低垂,话语中带着几丝羞涩。"I don't know," she said shyly with her eyes downcast.

沙柳叶子蔫了,低垂下来,好像一条条灰色的碎布。The willow leaves shriveled, drooping like hanging rags.

花朵低垂铃形或平展,花径达3-8厘米。Flowers nodding , campanulate or spreading , 3-8cm across.