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他们对你非礼了吗?Are they right your incivility ?

'一听到非礼马上反应出这是犯罪'的人。How indecorum is defined as a crime.

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这才有了一开始的非礼那一幕。This is the beginning of the scene of propriety.

他瞪我,乱叫什么啊,别人听到还以为我要非礼你呢。He stared at me, " what, the others heard thought I want incivility you."

你到底有什么毛病?难道你出生的时候,医生非礼了你妈不成?Is it true when you were born the doctor turned around and slapped your mother?

因为你是接受别人的帮助所有的时候,你应该非礼也。Because you are accepting others' help all the time , you should reciprocate them.

奇葩诬陷鲍家明非礼她,鲍家明决定辞职。Framed BaoGuMing molested her strange flower, is simple BaoGuMing decided to resign.

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女人经常会梦见自己在抵抗非礼行为或性骚扰。Women often dream about fending off unwanted advances, or of being sexually assaulted.

外国记者已经因深入报道特定的地域而遭到非礼和阻止。Foreign reporters have been subjected to harassment and prevented from filming in certain places.

后来得好友纱耶介绍一份家庭教师的工作,但美野里所教的学生,就是每天在电车中非礼自己的人。Introduced by her best friend Sari , Mei applies to be a home private tutor far away from her home.

昨天一些非礼来公司的精神病学家说他们强烈反对礼来公司的声明。Seeral psychiatrists outside the company said yesterday that they strongly disagreed with Lilly 's claim.

控方已经从一位酒店礼宾部工作人员口中得到指证,说DSK在事发前一天晚上曾经试图对她进行非礼。Prosecutors have identified a hotel concierge who saysDSK made an unwanted advance to her the previous night.

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上周五,在德国柏林动物园里,一名32岁女子赶在动物喂食时间跳入北极熊家园,遭到其中一只北极熊“非礼”。在获救之前,她受到多次撕咬。A 32-year-old woman who jumped into a polar bear enclosure during feeding time at Berlin Zoo on Friday was mauled by one of the polar bears.

希瓦威胁帕莱,晚上他就会来要求帕莱旅行夫妻的义务,帕莱担心希瓦非礼自己,打电话叫班来陪自己一起住。Shiva threat, in the evening he would have to ask travel a couple of obligation, new worry shiva molested oneself, call the class to live with myself.

肖美智的反常行动引起了荣部王连长的怀疑,不想肖美智反咬一口诬称王连长意欲非礼。Xiao mei mentally abnormal action caused the glory of Wang Lianchang doubt, dont want to xiao mei think bite I am Wang Lianchang intended to molestation.

还好他没有醒,不然一定会笑她像个女色狼,大清早的就想非礼睡美男呢。O. K. he didn't come to, otherwise ambition definitely laugh her to be favor a sex wolf, early morning of want to sexually disturb to sleep a beauteous male.

不错,像火炬手在巴黎遇到非礼,以及最近法国总统尼古拉斯·萨科奇会晤达赖喇嘛这类事情发生之后,官员们乐于看到谴责法国的言论。Yes, officials liked seeing posts denouncing the French after a torchbearer was roughed up in Paris, and later, after French President Nicolas Sarkozy met the Dalai Lama.

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一个由六名尼日利亚人和一名赞比亚人组成的集团已经出现在南非法庭。他们被指控冒充医生,还有欺诈,贪污及非礼罪。A group of six Nigerian men and one Zambian have appeared in court in South Africa, accused of impersonating doctors and also charged with fraud, corruption and indecent assault.

在他认为的礼乐崩坏仁义沦丧的社会,孔子对一切“违仁”“非礼”的现象和言行,大声说“不”。In the society in which he thought courtesy was broken and righteousness ruined, Confucius said loudly "NO" to all phenomena of violations of righteousness and indecorous behaviours.

学院表示,「我最想非礼的女艺人」网上选举对青少年有不良影响,违反社会道德。The school said the internet poll, which asked listeners to vote for female artists they would most like to indecently assault, adversely affected young people and went against social values.