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节约用水,利在当代,功在千秋。Save water, save the future.

没有哪个国王可以千秋万载,儿子。No king rules forever my son.

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没有哪个国王可能千秋万载,儿子。No king rules forever, my son.

至少在可预见之将来,千秋之事可期。Or at least for the foreseeable future.

这种千秋万世永遭谴责的罪戾?Whose crime will bear an ever-during blame.

一破夫差国,千秋竟不还。A broken state of country, also did not come.

千秋镜指的就是铜镜。Qianqiu mirror refers namely to bronze mirror.

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谨此敬祝千秋幸福。With my best wishes for your future happiness.

谨此敬祝千秋幸福。Witn my best wishes for your future happiness.

朝廷将这一天定位千秋节。The count designated this day as Qianqiu Festival.

皇宫里还要举行盛大的千秋宴会。A grand Qianqiu banquet was held in the royal palace.

这还要从当时的千秋节说起。The story started from the Qianqiu festival at that time.

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植树造林,功在当代,利在千秋。Forestation accomplished now will benefit our future generations.

环保事业,功在当代,利在千秋。Environmental business pains for the moment and gains for the millennia.

5月14日,张关蓉在擦拭丈夫谭千秋的遗体。May 14, Zhang Rong Commissioner Tan ages in polished her husband's body.

“美力坚”床垫利在当代,功在千秋。Mailijian Mattress advances for the present ages, and benefits for future.

一时强弱在于力,千秋胜负在于理。——曹禺。Strength may win temporarily, but only justice could gain the final victory.

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皇帝再将御制的千秋镜回赠给群臣。Then the emperor presented mirrors made by his order to his ministers in return.

炳千秋的光辉业绩激励我们不断向前。The great achievements of revolutionary heroes inspire us to move forward forever.

下周再回来看看,我这里还有葵花宝典的另五大绝招,此功练成,你在PPT设计界即可彪炳千秋!Check back next week for the next five awesome tips for better presentation design!