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硬木材是阔叶树。The hardwoods are trees with broad leaves.

混交12年后可逐渐对阔叶树进行间伐。Mixed for 12 years, the thinning out may be done.

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该合集包含了180个高精度的室外阔叶树和灌木植物模型。Over 180 high quality 3d models of deciduous trees and shrubs.

大部分植被由各种针叶树类和阔叶树类构成。A variety of conifers and hardwoods makes up the bulk of the vegetation.

这两种木材腐朽菌均生长在阔叶树腐朽木上,造成木材白色腐朽。Both species occurred on rotten angiosperm wood, and caused a white rot.

随距阔叶树基干距离的增加,新竹平均胸径迅速增加。The average DBH of new bamboo increased with the increasing distance from the tree.

红腹柄天牛是阔叶树的重要害虫之一。Aphrodisium faldermannii rufiventris Gressitt is an important pest of broadleaf trees.

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为增加林带的美学欣赏价值,应该配置非传统的针阔叶树种。Some species of trees have aesthetic value, such as conifer and rare broad leaved tree.

总体上讲,黄桷树相对数量偏大,常绿阔叶树偏少,且树种较单一。As a whole, the relative amount of evergreen broadleaf was fewer and its kind was simple.

他走到丛林中,直到发现了一棵倒下的一种阔叶树才停止了他的搜寻。He go into the jungle, searching until he find a fall tree of a certain species of hardwood.

在这三个硬阔叶树种当中,水曲柳生长比黄波罗和胡桃楸迅速,是速生树种。In the three kinds of species, height growth of ash is the fastest after planting four year.

他走到丛林中,直到发现了一棵倒下的一种阔叶树才停止了他的搜寻。He go into the jungle , searching until he find a fall tree of a certain species of hardwood.

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枫桦是当前我国利用价值较高的硬阔叶树材之一。Betulacostata trautv, a kind of hardwoods, is one of use of higher-value in our country nowadays.

他走到丛林中,直到发现了一棵倒下的一种阔叶树才停止了他的搜寻。He went into the jungle, searching until he found a fallen tree of a certain species of hardwood.

他走到丛林中,直到发现了一棵倒下的一种阔叶树才停止了他的搜寻。He went into the jungle , searching until he found a fallen tree of a certain species of hardwood.

水曲柳是我国东北林区重要珍贵硬阔叶树种。The Fraxinus mandshurica was an important precious hard hardwood species of China Northeast forest.

阔叶树种在杉阔混交林中具有增氮和调节碳氮比作用,退化点和作用点彼此互为佐证。The broad leaved tree in mixed forest can add nitrogen and adjust the ration of carbon to nitrogen.

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落叶阔叶树种的N和P浓度随着季节的推移而明显下降。The N and P concentrations in leaves of deciduous broadleaved species gradually decreased with time.

竹荪通常用竹子、阔叶树等作为培养基栽培,采用适当处理后的杉木屑栽培竹荪,取得进展。Dictyophora indusiata Fisch is regularly cultured in the culture medium made from bamboo or leaf trees.

尤其是采伐迹地留育阔叶树萌芽条和阔叶树残次林的复壮,更具省工、投资少、见效快。Especially the former two ways have advantages of economizing labor, less investment and quicker return.