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以眼还眼,以牙还牙。An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

报复型正义要求以眼还眼,以牙还牙。Retributive justice demands an eye for an eye.

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以眼还眼,以牙还牙,以手还手,以脚还脚Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot

最近的爆炸案发生过后,反恐部队可能会以牙还牙,实施反击。After recent bombings, counter-terrorist forces could retaliate in kind.

比尔上个星期下象棋赢了我,结果今晚我胜了他――因此我们以牙还牙。Bill beat me at chess last week and I beat him tonight-so I am tit for tat.

“我只是以牙还牙,以眼还眼。”你曾用过这种借口吗?“I merely did to them what they did to me.” Have you ever used that excuse?

是将踢你屁股的人以牙还牙,还是明哲保身免受飞来横祸?Is to kick your ass people eye for an eye, or play it safe from the mishaps?

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在之前的审判中,她告诉法庭“要以眼还眼以牙还牙,让他遭受和我一样的痛苦”。"Inflict the same life on him that he inflicted on me," she had told the court.

针对中国商品所实行的反倾销和保护性关税已经导致了数起以牙还牙的案例。Antidumping and safeguard tariffs on Chinese goods have sparked tit-for-tat cases.

1152年,印度王子阿拉乌丁以牙还牙,对加兹尼诉诸剑与火的洗礼,结束了它的光辉历史。Ghazni's splendor died in 1152 when the Indian prince Ala-ud-Din gave it fire and sword.

许多中国政客,因政治对立而以火攻火,以牙还牙。Many Chinese politicians have been fighting fire with fire in their political conflicts.

雷托此时正站在山顶上俯视底比斯城,当她看到这一幕,她决心要“以牙还牙”。Standing on top of a hill overlooking Thebes , Leto saw all this and was ready to pay back.

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如果我们都要以眼还眼,以牙还牙,那这个世界很快就盲眼且无牙了。If we practice an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless.

如果我们都要以眼还眼、以牙还牙,那这小升初英语个世界很快就盲眼且无牙。If we practice and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the whole world will be blind and toothless.

世间法本是相对,一般凡夫总是投桃报李,或以牙还牙。Ordinary people are always either "returning the gift of a peach with a plum" or "taking a tooth for a tooth.

以牙还牙或者更好些“带容忍的以牙还牙”是对这种丢卒保车策略的可靠响应。Tit-for-tat or the even better "tit-for-tat with forgiveness" are reliable responses to these sort of gambits.

自从印度在1974年开启核武竞赛后,巴基斯坦也以牙还牙地发展核武。Ever since India began the nuclear arms race in 1974, Pakistan has responded tit -for-tat to every development.

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总之,一旦美国将中国作为发泄对象,我毫不怀疑中国会选择以牙还牙。In short, I have little doubt that Beijing would retaliate should Washington choose to vent its frustrations at China.

大妹知道九妹吃了阎罗催命丸,性命就控制在她手上,丝毫不让地说她只是以牙还牙而已。Big sister know nine sister eats yama death warrant pills, soul will control in her hand, and not to say she just a tooth for a tooth.

这些价值观是如此的强烈,在人们心中根深蒂固,因此他们强烈感到有义务来以牙还牙,以暴制暴,尽管后果可能很严重。That rule was so strong for the participants that they felt morally obliged to meet violence with violence, regardless of the outcome.