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那达慕“在蒙古语中是”娱乐“或”游戏“的意思。"Nadam"in Mongolian means "amusement"or "entertainment".

摔跤是那达慕的主要内容,蒙古式摔跤。The Mongolian style wrestling is the main event in Nadam.

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兴蒙那达慕大会每三年举办一次。Promote congress of unconscious Nadam Fair 3 years every to be held.

传统地,蒙古国人民在那达慕节要聚集欢宴几天。The Nadam Festival is a traditional occasion for Mongols to get together for a few days of festivity.

每年阴历的6月4日至6日也是到这儿旅游的最佳时间,因为届时这儿会举行一年一度热闹非凡的那达慕大会。The Nadam Fair, held from June 4-6 of the lunar calendar, is another good time to visit the grassland.

一年一度的草原那达慕盛会,赛马、射箭等比赛活动更让游人留恋忘返。The annual grassland that Damu event, horse racing, archery and other competitions What visitors nostalgia in time.

蒙古人在每年7月11日举行「那达慕」庆典,包括盛大的角力、赛马和射箭比赛。Mongolians celebrate their annual festival of Naadam, a pageant of wrestling, horseback-riding and archery, on July 11.

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在蒙古那达慕中三项体育项目比赛的胜出者在蒙古国家历史和蒙古人民的心中占了一定的地位。The winners of the three manly sports in the festival hold a special place in people's hearts and the nation's history.

房地产巨头巴特额尔德尼·卡巴松正在那达慕大会前指导他的赛马师。那达慕大会是首都城外一年一度的盛会。Real estate magnate Bat-Erdene Khadbaasan instructs his racehorse trainer before Naadam, an annual festival outside the capital.

那达慕大会是蒙古族传统的盛大节日,每年七八月在牲畜肥壮的季节举行。The Nadam Fair is the traditional festival of the Mongolians, which is held in July of August every year, when domestic animals are fat and strong.

蒙古人对格斯尔英雄的信仰崇拜,集中体现在风物传说、寺庙、敖包、祭祀、那达慕、家教等诸方面。The Mongols' hero worship for Geser includes various respects such as Mongolian legend, temple, Aobao, sacrifice, Nadamu, family training and so on.

年轻人在年度那达慕盛典上赛马,这个属于崇尚运动的游牧民族的仲夏庆典还包括摔跤和射箭项目。Young boys race horses at the annual Nadaam festival, a midsummer celebration of nomadic athleticism that also includes wrestling and archery competitions.

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本文尝试运用结构功能主义理论,从一个新的视角对那达慕文化的生命力及其结构、功能进行深层分析和理论解释。This article is trying to make a profound analyze and theoretical explanation to its vitality, structure and function by using structural-functional theory.

一位与会者发生在一个期间,在锡林郭勒盟,内蒙古自治区种族的那达慕于2010年8月1日节日套索比赛。A participant takes part in a lassoing competition during the Nadam festival at a race ground in Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on August 1, 2010.

第二章,阐释了杜尔伯特蒙古族“那达慕”的形成与发展,叙述了“那达慕”的历史发展过程和现状。The second chapter illustrates the formation and development of Dorbod Mongolian "Nadam", describes the process of historical development and current status of "Nadam".

此外,那达慕大会上还有武术、马球、骑马射箭、乘马斩劈、马竞走、乘马技巧运动、摩托车等精彩表演。In addition, there are Wushu Festival, polo, horse riding, archery, Horse chopped 1988, the walking horse, Horse movement skills, motorbikes and other brilliant performance.

兴蒙乡党委书记李福林表示,兴蒙乡迄今已成功举办了11届那达慕大会。Promote Li Fulin of secretary of unconscious countryside Party committee to express, promoted unconscious country to this day to hold plenary meeting of 11 Nadam Fair successfully already.

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通过杜尔伯特蒙古族“那达慕”历史与现状的对比,说明了置身于农耕文化和城镇文化之中的“那达慕”的发展和变化。By the comparison of the past and the present situation of Dorbod Mongolian "Nadam", it tells the development and change of "Nadam", which is exposured to farming culture and the urban culture.

过去时那达慕大会期间要进行大规模祭祀活动,喇嘛们要焚香点灯,念经颂佛,祈求神灵保佑,消灾消难。During the past Festival to conduct large-scale ritual activities, a monk had to light incense and light lamps, everything Chung Buddha, pray for the grace of God, disaster Consumers difficult.

那达慕大会是内蒙、甘肃、青海、新疆的蒙古族国民一年一度的传统节日,在每年七、八月这一水草丰茂、牲畜肥壮、秋高气爽的黄金季节举行。Outside of Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, the Mongolian People's annual traditional festival, the annual 7, in August foothills of the water, fat and livestock, the golden autumn season.