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他亲口说的。He said it himself.

给我你的爱,承以你亲口允诺。If you promise that you love me.

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他亲口所说的,我们都亲自听见了。We have heard it from his own lips.

这是耶和华亲口说的。For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

因为我曾亲口对你说出这么一句话——我爱你。Because I have personally to tell you I love you.

她留下来等待罗斯返家,并打算亲口转告他。She stays and waits for Ross to return so she can tell him.

世界末日还没到,除非是由我亲口说的才算。It's not the end of the world . Not until I say so , anyway.

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聆讯录音显示她亲口认罪。Tapes of the hearing showed she had verbally pleaded guilty.

我要见芸嫣,我要亲口告诉她我有多爱她!I shall meet Yunyan, I should tell her how much I love her! Right.

她们俩发现在电子邮件里比亲口说更能表达感受。The two found it easier to express feelings in emails than in person.

这位帝国大元帅在此前一次审前审讯中曾向他亲口承认。The Reichsmarschall had admitted this to him in one of their sessions.

你曾经亲口告诉我你并不贪婪总统的职位。You have told me yourself that you were not greedy for the presidency.

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如果你从前好好的亲口说破,我会同意的。"If you had spoken when you ought to have spoken" I would have agreed.

其实我现在只求你能睁开眼睛亲口对我说不要和他出去。Just wake up and tell me. Wake up. Please! All right. I'll see you tomorrow.

我们只要你在上面签字,蒙克斯,还要你亲口告诉奥利弗所发生的一切。All we need now is for you to sign them, Monks. And to tell O liver what happened.

伊丽莎白对你来说,确实是天赐良缘,而这也是你亲口告诉我的。Elizabeth Tyson is the best thing that ever happened to you, and you told me so yourself.

东方不败又对仪琳说是令狐冲亲口说的喜欢你还要娶你。East dont hurt again to Lynn said linghu chong said it himself like you want to marry you.

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主要使你乘驾地的高处,又以你祖雅各的产业养育你,这是主亲口说的。I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.

每次为母亲煎药,他都要亲口尝一尝,然后再送给母亲服。Every time his mother decoction, he had personally taste, and then sent to his mother clothes.

准男爵亲口告诉了他关于家族的猎狗的传说,因此也就为自己铺了一条死亡的道路。The baronet himself told him about the family hound, and so prepared the way for his own death.