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他的双颊血色饱满。His cheeks are veined.

饱满、浑厚、地道英文的秘诀------用口腔的后半部分发音!Use the back part of you mouth!

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口感丰润饱满,口味十分丰富。Full , smooth and rich in flavors.

早晨,你是精神饱满的。In the morning, you are freshened.

带着毛皮手套的饱满的玫瑰花。Of bosomy rose with fur gloves on.

你不时的会感到自由,精神饱满。You'll feel wiggly free and fresh!

茶芽饱满重实,香高味爽。The tea buds are plump with pleasing flavor.

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而那就意味着更显饱满、年轻的皮肤。And that means plumper, younger looking skin.

深吸口气,给它一个最饱满滋润的吻恋。Thus, with a fillet of smooth-kissing breath.

环环相扣、内容饱满、故事情节性较强。Generally, content and story plot is stronger.

灌浆速度快,后期熟期好,籽粒饱满。Grouting speed, later period, ripe grain full.

其色调也染得更加到位和饱满。Even the dye will have more depth and richness.

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经霜染过的菊花生显得生长饱满。Frost-dyed, the chrysanthemums seem full-grown.

一个玉米穗里会有更多饱满的玉米粒。There are more kernels in a given ear of maize.

在早晨空气新鲜的地方散步你会感到精神饱满。A walk in the morning fresh air will pep you up.

胸部-深胸,宽阔并且饱满。Chest- should be deep, broad and well filled in.

是的,他们想让孩子们信心饱满的。No, they want their children to feel encouraged.

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这个遗忘是好的,它使你精神饱满。This oblivion is good, which makes you freshened.

为人热情豪爽,有着十分饱满的工作激情。I am honesty candid &have full of working passion.

我最喜欢的是盖比那性感饱满的双唇!What I like most about Gabby is her luscious lips!