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我是个没本事的人。I am a very useless person.

但它还没有在水上行走的本事。But it cannot walk on water.

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非也……我也但愿我有这般本事。No ---- I only wish I could.

我可没有操持农事的本事。I couldn’t have managed farming.

本事最小的人最会吹法螺。They brag most who can do least.

你以前的撒谎本事还好些.You used to be a much better liar.

卡明是凭自己的本事发家致富的。Cumming was wealthy in his own right.

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面向对象说话的思想本事。Object-Oriented Language Thinking skills.

好的,衣领小子,让我们看看你有什么本事。Okay, collar boy, let's see what you got.

克利克听到消息就来了,说自己有本事做到。Crack came forward and said he could do it.

我已准备好和你较量的本事。I'm ready to match my skills against yours.

凭自己的本事此事我全料到了,而且做出了决定。I psyched it all out by myself and decided.

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现在就看魔法雪堆的本事了,”他说道。It's up to the magic snowbank now," he'd say.

男人没本事就别说女人太现实。Woman is capable not to mention men on Mahogany.

他主要的本事似乎是超然不群。His chief equipment seems to be disinterestedness.

黑猩猩和巴布诺猿猴也没有这个本事…Not even chimpanzees and Bonobos have this ability.

一副好心肠,一身天塌下来都可以欢欢喜喜过日子的本事。A good heart , suit the sky fell along with all can.

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杰克有一种走到哪里都能交到朋友的本事。Jack has a knack of making friends wherever he goes.

只有佩格姨妈才有本事让这种事发生。Only Aunt Peg could make something like this happen.

晦,去他妈的,即使我有那样的本事,我也同样会祝贺他的。Well, fuck a duck! I congratulate him just the same.