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饥渴的心灵在追饱暖的心灵哪!A hungry soul in pursuit of a full soul!

主啊,今天我怀着饥渴慕义的心想要更深入的知道祢!I hunger today to know more of You, Lord.

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在物质充裕的年代,我们感觉精神饥渴。In an age of planty, we feel spirit hunger.

金钱饥渴的法西斯主义者们内心腐朽。Top4 Money-hungry fascists are dead inside.

上帝啊,我两眼饥渴地望着东方!Lord, how mine eyes throw gazes to the east!

这样会使我们的球员变得低调,而且变得饥渴。This makes the player humber and stay hungry.

身体被覆于皮肤、苔藓、饥渴以及凝固的乳液。Body of skin, of moss, of eager and firm milk.

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在印度与中国双边关系上,目前是一个新闻饥渴期。It's the silly season in India-China relations.

他饥渴地喝着岩石下水潭中的水。He drank thirstily from the pool under the rock.

风险是个人的,组织对资本是饥渴的。Risk is personal and organization is lascivious.

是性的爆发?还是饥渴的无赖?Is the nature of the outbreak? Still hungry rogue?

事实如此。得到我的球队会得到一个非常饥渴的球员。And I'm pretty hungry and going to have a bite now!

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这对一个谦卑、饥渴慕义的心灵,是多麽宝贵的应许!What a promise is this for the humbly inquiring mind!

他饥渴万分地把给他的那杯水喝完了。I gave him a glass of water and he drank it thirstily.

有人说,爱,它是种饥渴一种绵延无尽、痛苦的需索。Some say love, it is a hunger, An endless aching need.

他饥渴万分地把我给他的那杯水喝完了.I gave him a glass of water and the drank it thirstily.

他们求知若渴、对人脉和想法也同样饥渴。They were hungry for knowledge, connections, and ideas.

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饥渴慕义的人是有福的。Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for uprightness.

它是很温柔的拂过你的嘴唇还是很饥渴的要吃掉你的那种?Was it like, was it like a soft brush against your lips?

饥渴慕义的人有福了。Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.