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她的回答令父亲不快。Her reply displeased her father.

我们要不快点儿走就不赶趟儿了。We'll be late if we don't hurry.

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她对他的行为感到不快。She was displeased by his conduct.

再不快干,晚饭的时候我们就做不完了。We won't be finished by dinnertime.

好表不快也不慢。A good watch neither gains nor loses.

琼总是很清楚她使人不快。He was conscious he must do all this.

这些粉红色的衣服卖得不快。These pink dresses are moving slowly.

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但是我们对此会感到有一些不快But we have some discomfort with that.

很令人不快,是吧,高频率。Is it painful, really? High frequency.

杨林跑得快吗?不,她跑得不快。Does Yang Ling run fast? No, she doesn't.

她抑制我自己的不快,强颜欢笑。She swallowed her displeasure and smiled.

“这我都知道,”汤姆怏怏不快地说。"I know all that, " said Tom, displeased.

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还不快向女施主道歉!Apologize to the female donor is not fast!

我走的不快,但绝不走回头路。I am a slow walker, but I never walk back.

对于中国人来说,这个信息是令人不快的。That’s unpalatable to the Chinese audience.

这就像在恐惧中冒出的冷汗,使他感到怏怏不快。It felt unpleasantly like the sweat of fear.

当我感到不快,所有的表情都会展现在脸上。Women"s dignities are all about their faces."

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接到匿名信是一件令人不快的事。It is unpleasant to receive anonymous letters.

她泪眼汪汪,显得十分不快。Brimming with tears, she looked deeply unhappy.

他们在你身后议论,谈些让你不快的事情。They talk behind you and say unpleasant things.