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基地面对大海,进深很大。The site faces the sea and has deep depth.

场地规整,南北进深较大。The site is standard, long in the south-north direction.

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房间进深有无特殊要求?Are there any special requirements on the depth of rooms?

建筑师通过混合每一个体块的进深来创造出韵律和节奏感。The architect created rhythm by mixing the depths of each volume.

建筑物为长方体,宽度或进深以16米左右为最佳,以便于合理使用面积。The building should be cuboid, the width of the building is better to be 16m.

厅的设计要考虑面宽和进深的协调。The design of hall should consider bizygomatic breadth and into deep harmony.

原来那个凸显进深的后殿如今得到了修复。The old apse gave an important illusion of depth which has now been restored.

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我想更好了解圣经真道,并盼望着灵命日益进深!I want to understand the bible better and I'm looking forward to growing more spiritually.

随后钓索开始往外溜了,老人跪下了,老大不愿地让它又渐渐回进深暗的水中。Then it started out and the old man knelt down and let it go grudgingly back into the dark water.

我们的基地位于两座围墙之间,开间10米,进深20米,在此我们将建造100平方米的住宅。In a site between party walls 10 meters wide by 20 meters deep, we were to develop a 100 m2 house.

单独与上帝相处,这是灵命进深的不二法门,愿我们蒙上帝恩典,灵命更上层楼。Alone with God—this is a word of the deepest importance. May we seek grace from God to reach its depths.

莫顿解释说,厚厚的浒苔海藻潮将仅有的那么一点照进深海的阳光挡住,深海生物的世界完全黑暗。Thick Enteromorpha algae blooms block the small amounts of sunlight that reach deeper-dwelling marine life.

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建筑设计为矩形教学楼,以柱子定轴线,教室开间进深6.60m,办公室4.20m。Architecture design for rectangular building, set axis, the classroom to post office m, 6.60 deep bay 4.20 m.

飘窗位置移动至外墙结构外皮,在保证挑出深度的前提下,减小窗台的进深,避免开关窗户时爬上爬下,带来意外的危险。Design to avoid the need to climb up and down to open window, in order to reduce the possibility of accidents.

卡萨莱斯说,人们正在囤积比特币,但要以健康的方式,就像涉水进深水池一样,要一步一步的,慢慢来。Casares says people are hoarding and experimenting with Bitcoin in healthy ways — like wading into a deep pool.

小进深的空间可取得很好的自然采光与通风效果,提供良好的办公条件,并有利于能源的节约。The little depth of office space could receive well lighting and ventilation effects and reduce exhaustion of energy.

我们若然只停留在福音道理的初阶,就永远不能在信仰上进深成长。We never grow as we should if all we ever "hear or read are the first steps of the Gospel, however wonderful they may be."

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由于该商户的进深是9米,第二种方案是从门市的近深一半处加厚墙壁并立柱头。As the depth of store is 9 meters, the second plan is to thicken the wall from the half deep side of store and build up pillar.

本文从商品住宅的进深、面宽、开间等方面着手,通过数学模型来探讨商品住宅的住宅容积率与居住品质问题。Through analysis on depth, width and span the author discusses floor area ratio and living quality by means of mathematical model.

对用一台CCD摄像机所摄得的微小气泡水图像要识别摄影进深方向的气泡,必须利用图像的像素灰度这一特征。In the micro-bubble images taken by only one CCD camera, the pixel gray-scale must be used to distinguish bubbles in depth of field.