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我拒绝兑现你的票据。I refuse to honour your bill.

收件人会兑现它。The recipient will encash it.

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这是一张未兑现金的支票。This is an outstanding check.

你能替我兑现这张支票吗?Can you cash this check forme?

它是一张美国限时兑现卡。It's an American Express Card.

你能给我兑现一些旅行支票吗?Can i please cash a check here?

兑现之后我会再来的。I'll come again after encashment.

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你能在银行里兑现声望吗?Can you cash reputation in a bank?

他去银行兑现一张汇票。He went to bank to encash a draft.

它必须要兑现自己的承诺It has to live up to its promises.

我可以兑现这张汇款单吗?Can I have this money order cased ?

我可以在这儿兑现汇款单吗?Can I have this money order cashed?

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我可以在这里兑现这张汇票吗?Can I have this money order cashed?

我可以兑现汇款单吗?Can I have this order money cashed?

对于近最后审判接近兑现。For the Last Judgement draweth nigh.

我想兑现这张支票.Notes 1.I'd like to cash this check.

他没有兑现对我们许下的诺言。He did not carry out his promise to us.

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他去银行兑现一张汇票。He went to bank to encash an bank note.

我想要兑现旅行支票。I'd like to encash my traveler's check.

这是过高的承诺和过低的兑现。It's over-promising and under-delivering.