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在凌晨3点你的电话铃响起。YOUR phone rings at 3am.

有一个贫穷的凌晨一点兰比。There's a poor wee little lamby.

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但凌晨还是讫来了,去了学校。But we got up and went to school.

凌晨一点,在跟伊莎贝讲电话。A. M. , on the phone with Isabelle.

凌晨4点钟,伞兵们开始跳伞。At 4 a.m.parachuters began to jump.

邓克尔熬夜烤到凌晨三点。Dunkel stayed up baking until three.

他们熬夜看电视直到凌晨3点。They stopped up to watch TV till 3 a.m.

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山普太太凌晨四点半叫我起床。Mrs. Semple called me at half past four.

终于,凌晨2点,我们听见了尤兹的车。Finally, at 2 a. m. , we heard Uzi's car.

到凌晨六点邮件已经分类装袋了。The mail was sorted and pouched by 6 a.m.

我丈夫很少在凌晨两三点之前睡觉。My husband rarely comes to bed before 2 or 3am.

夜班拖到凌晨三点。Nightshift drags on until three in the morning.

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布莱克本在凌晨2点通过电话获知这一喜讯。Blackburn received the news in a 2am phone call.

风景的微凉,行人懂得。凌晨的难过,失眠的人懂得。The sad morning, those who know how to insomnia.

到了凌晨3点,店打烊了,我们也该走了。Until 3a. m. , the shop closed, I have gone too.

当我们开车到家时已经是七月五日凌晨十二点了。When we drove back home it was 12am on July 5th.

不幸的是,她第二天得凌晨5点钟起床。She had to get up at 5am the next day, worse luck.

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卡西迪最后决定睡觉时已是凌晨2点钟。Cassidy eventually decided to go to sleep at 2 a.m.

我在第二天的凌晨向你寻事。I chislenge you to a duel found on dawn the next day.

江恩非常仔细的在辞别信上写上了凌晨3点钟。Gann was careful to write 3 a. m. on the farewell note.