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好片,谢谢分享,正是及时!It os very good!

而那正是我喜欢的。Just how I like it.

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UCM正是做这些。UCM does just that.

正是我的心脏。Right over my heart.

这正是神秘所在。That is the mystery.

这正是我需要的。That is what I need.

这正是我所必要的。It is Just what Ineed.

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这正是她们的悲剧。That is their tragedy.

不正是笑和泪同出一处是什么?And how else can it be?

现在正是时候/只争朝夕。No time like the present.

而现在正是春花烂漫时节。Spring was in full bloom.

华安,你来的正是时候!Wah On, you come in time!

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然而,这正是我们所需要的。Yet this is what we need.

这正是都市的午茶时光。It is teatime in the city.

现在正是时候。Take time by the forelock.

在很多方面正是如此。In many aspects this is so.

那正是我们所谈的这个人和珂赛特。It was our man and Cosette.

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那正是我的顾虑,真的。That is my concern, really.

这正是人生的自然法则。That is the nature of life.

这房子正是他最需要的东西。The house is what he needs.