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长时间坐在电脑前腰酸背痛?Sitting in front of computer so long you suffer back pain?

可是昨天早上起床时,我已经发现我有点腰酸背痛,而且头有点重,喉咙好痒,想咳嗽。But yesterday when I got up, I felt great pain all over my body.

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以前年轻的时候,哪里知道什么是头疼什么是腰酸背痛呢?When I was young, where to know what is what is a headache backache?

当您长时间面对电脑伏案工作,受否感到腰酸背痛?After working on the computer for a long time, do you have a backache?

忧虑能产生很多疾病,如神经紧张性头痛、腰酸背痛等。Worry can bring a lot of diseasessuch as tension headaches and backaches.

忧虑能产生很多疾病,如神经紧张性头痛、腰酸背痛等。Worry can bring a blot of diseases such as tension headaches and backaches.

这些天睡醒总腰酸背痛的怎么回事?。Wake up these days of total acerbity backache how to return a responsibility?

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一趟旅行下来,我腰酸背痛,脚肿得连鞋子也穿不进去了。Toward the end of the flight, my feet got so swollen that my shoes no longer fit.

及早对年轻人推动高血压防治、腰酸背痛预防之工作,以免老来受苦。Prevention of hypertension and notalgia while young is better than a cure while old.

林似睡非睡,腰酸背痛,头昏脑胀,心烦意乱,等着黎明的到来。Exhausted, nerves strained taut by a night of broken sleep, Lim waited impatiently for the dawn.

“常累得我腰酸背痛,而且双手要浸在脏水里把拖布拧干,”曼加诺说。"I was tired of bending down, putting my hands in dirty water, wringing out a mop, " Mangano says.

由于必须弯下腰来从最下面的抽屉中把东西拿进拿出,她腰酸背痛了。Her back was aching from having to get down in order to put things in and out of the bottom drawer.

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在漫步山林和周游名胜后,你可能想要放松一下,舒缓腰酸背痛。After all that trekking and sightseeing, you may want to relax and soothe away your aches and pains.

在90分钟的旅途中,乘客们抱怨腰酸背痛,还担心得上了深静脉血栓。During the 90-minute journey, commuters are complaining of back pain and fearing deep vein thrombosis.

有时候,你会感觉一天做那么多事情都已经腰酸背痛,直都直不起来了。Sometimes, you will feel a day do so many things have backache backache, straight all straight up again.

该方法主要是将两片电极片贴在产妇的后腰部位,能在一定程度上减轻孕妇的腰酸背痛。This method is mainly two electrode pads on the back part of the pregnant women can relieve back pain in a certain extent.

我怀孕了,但腰酸背痛的,下腹还有点疼?这是怎么回事?。I was pregnant, but of lumbar acerbity backache, do next abdomens still ache a bit? Is this how to return a responsibility?

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海东也在办公室忙得腰酸背痛,起身正打算给她打电话,一同事过来说电脑出问题,让海东帮忙看看。Haidong also in the office busy backache, up is going to call her, a colleague came to say computer problems, to help look haidong.

最近腰酸背痛腿抽筋,到医院检查又没有毛病,大家帮忙分析一下被?。Leg of lumbar acerbity backache is jerky recently, to the hospital the examination does not have illness again, does everybody help analyse by?

有一天晚上,妈妈下班回来说她腰酸背痛,于是我让妈妈趴在床上,给妈妈捶背。One day in the evening, my mother came home from work, said she waist sour backache, so I let mother lie prone on the bed, the mother beat their back.