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但随机噪声的效果是一样的。But the effect is the same.

露娜公园传来得噪声真是糟糕透了。Noise from Luna Park was awful.

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我从未听到过这种噪声。I have never heard these noises.

静音摇臂支撑结构,噪声更低。The mute rocker arm, less noise.

他大声吼叫,压过了街上喧嚣的噪声。He roared above the street noise.

是一个零均值的白噪声源。Is a zero mean white noise source.

这个词也可指没有噪声。It may also suggest a lack of noise.

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这噪声把我从椅子上惊起。The noise jumped me out of my chair.

但它们几乎没有踢踹或噪声。But there is little kicking or noise.

噪声,声功率,隔声。Noise, sound power, sound insulation.

铰链发出很大噪声,所以我给它浇油。The hinges were noisy so I oiled them.

斯莱编钟是噪声流行描述。Sleigh Bells is described as noise-pop.

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飞机的噪声使我们耳朵听不见了。The noise of the aeroplane deafened us.

妮娜和大卫受不了那些噪声。Nina and David couldn’t stand the noise.

匝道,三角形,噪声和直流波形。Ramp, triangle, noise, and DC waveforms.

噪声闹得整个街坊四邻心烦意乱。The noise upset the entire neighborhood.

必有一个热噪声的门限值。There must be a threshold of thermal noise.

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每隔一会儿一切噪声都会安静下来。Every once in a while the noise would quiet.

接收机必须尽量做到无噪声。Receivers must be as noise-free as possible.

噪声使我一整夜都没睡好。The noise robbed me of a good night's sleep.