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豌豆骨连接尺骨和腕骨的小骨头。A small boneat the junction of the ulna and the carpus.

腕骨的骨量充足,前面比侧面宽。Carpus is heavy-boned, wider in front than at the side.

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主要的职业病是腕骨综合症。The main occupational hazard is carpal tunnel syndrome.

腕关节内源性韧带分布于远近两排腕骨之间。Intrinsic carpal ligaments exist between the carpal bone in the proximal or distal rows.

目的比较腕骨和跗骨骨折的影像学检查方法。Objective To compare the imaging examination method of carpal bone and tarsal bone fracture.

目的观察放射防护箱配合手腕骨X线摄影的临床应用效果。Objective To observe the clinic effect of bellows shield model in carpale X-ray photographing.

MRI对腕骨间关节的滑膜,骨骼,软骨,肌腱等进行观察。MRI appearance of synovium, bone, cartilage and tendons of wrist joints and so on were observed.

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现代鸟类在飞行时也需要依赖这块腕骨,它们通过这块骨骼牵引翅膀以获得抬升力。Modern birds use a similar bone in flight, drawing their wings toward their bodies during an upstroke.

结果部分腕骨融合既能解除腕关节疼痛,又能获得稳定和保留一定范围活动度。Results Limited intercarpal arthrodesis could relieve pain and stabilize the wrist joint with partial motion.

她发现,大多数成年黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩所具有的独特腕骨特征大猩猩没有。She found the majority of adult chimpanzees and bonobos had special wrist features that most gorillas lacked.

且常伴有先天性髋内翻、坐耻骨发育不全、脊柱裂以及儿童腕骨发育滞迟等。They were often accompanied by congenital coxa vara ischium and pubis hypoplasia spinal bifida or child carpale stunt.

按照测量数据进行腕骨四角融合术,可避免并发症,提高四角融合率。The complications of operation can be avoided and the rate of four-corner arthrodesis will improve according to the data.

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同样,当鸟的翅膀、腕骨或湿翅膀接触到裸线或地线时,会因电线酿成大祸。Likewise, birds can get in trouble with power lines if wing or wrist bones–or wet feathers–connect bare wires and grounds.

使腕骨立起来垂直地板,将体重放在小臂骨的边缘,小臂既不要内旋也不要外旋。Align the wrists perpendicular to the floor and center your weight on the edge of the forearm bone, rolling neither in nor out.

身材变矮可以提醒医生注意其他检查,尤其是测量腕骨或髋骨密度的检查遗漏的骨质疏松问题。Height loss can alert doctors to osteoporosis that other tests miss, particularly those that measure bone density in the wrist or hip.

在与现代鸟类亲缘关系较为接近的兽脚亚目恐龙身上存在一块特殊的楔形腕骨,正是这块腕骨的存在它们的前肢才能得以弯曲。In the theropods that were closely related to living birds, a particular wristbone was wedge-shaped, allowing them to bend their hands.

目的探讨实验条件下腕骨骨间韧带损伤与舟月骨分离形成的关系。Objective To explore the relationship between the order in which the intercarpal ligaments were injured and the scapholunate dissociation.

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楔形骨折块大小、是否粉碎、脱位程度和是否腕骨骨折决定其治疗方法。The treatment depends on the size of the wedge shaped fragment, its comminution, the degree of dislocation and involvement of the carpale.

近鸟龙的腕骨呈深楔形,因此它可以将前肢折叠到身体两侧,行走时前肢上的羽毛可以悬空,不会拖在地面上。Anchiornis's wrist bone was so wedge-shaped that it could fold its arms to its sides, keeping its arm feathers off the ground as it walked.

所有的以前均做过碗部手术,除了1例外所有的均在行延长术的同时做了腕骨截骨术以便改善碗部成角的后遗症。All had previous wrist centralization surgery, and all but 1 had a carpal osteotomy at the time of lengthening to reduce residual wrist angulation.