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她如饥似渴地读书。She reads with avidity.

他如饥似渴地读着报纸。He read through the newspaper thirstily.

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他如饥似渴地读着报纸。He read throught the newspaper thirstily.

他用汤匙如饥似渴地把汤喝完后,又转回头来再要一点。He spooned up his soup hungrily and came back for more.

我给了他一杯水,他如饥似渴地把它喝掉了。I gave him a glass of water and the drank it thirstily.

五岁孩子似乎都有如饥似渴的求知欲。Five-year-olds seem to have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

我如饥似渴的阅读和吸收科特的一字一句,仿佛它们都是为我而写。I read and absorbed Kurt's words as if they were written especially for me.

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我们需要的是如饥似渴、充满激情、理想远大的创业者。Do we need entrepreneurs who are hungry, who are passionate, and who aim high?

我当时还不能读英文书,但我是多么如饥似渴地要学习!I did not yet know how to read in English, oh, but how impatient I was to learn!

所以为什么现在的文化产业工作者比以前更如饥似渴地想去纽约生活?So why, more than ever, do people in the culture industry all want to live in New York?

在今天的经济环境中,如饥似渴的收益管理者们把市场份额视为一切。In today's economy, savvy revenue managers have to think about market share more than ever.

温暖的阳光射进来,绿豆边如饥似渴的吸允着大地给予他的养分。Radio came in the warm sunshine, green bean side of the earth hungry Xiyun give him nutrients.

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无论今天看来多么不可思议,80年代末的观众对超级英雄如饥似渴。As peculiar as it must seen nowadays, multiplexers in the late '80s were starved of superheroes.

未经审查的书籍、杂志和报纸只能偷运进来,但我们如饥似渴地阅读它们。Uncensored books, magazines, and newspapers had to be smuggled in, but we devoured them when we could.

每个有卓越成就的人,都如饥似渴地为他人的生命增添一些价值。Within every highly successful person is an unquenchable thirst for adding value to the lives of others.

服用本品几分钟后,女性阴内发痒,如饥似渴,渴望性生活,令你随心所欲。After a few minutes using this service, female vaginal itching inside, hungry, eager sex life, make you whim.

战壕中的英国士兵如饥似渴地阅读,定期给自己或家人写信。British soldiers in the trenches read voraciously , and wrote regularly, to their families and for themselves.

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妇女们发出如饥似渴的尖叫,跟在她的身后。她们的武器各不相同,但是心中的饥渴与复仇的心情却一样。And to her, with a shrill thirsty cry, trooping women variously armed, but all armed alike in hunger and revenge.

让我们将目光回到2005年,那一年,总部位于中国北京的联想公司收购了IBM的全球PC业务,从那时起,联想集团就如饥似渴地不断将大批该品牌产品投入市场。Beijing-based Lenovo bought IBM’s PC business back in 2005 and has been selling them like gangbusters since then.

这些数字不但代表着中国的块头,也代表着中国对科技知识如饥似渴。The numbers are a sign, not only of China's obvious size, but also its thirst for scientific and technical knowledge.