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荆轲是一名勇士。Jingke is a warrior.

那些勇士站在他们身后。The warriors stand behind them.

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成为像斯蒂芬·库里一样的勇士!Be a warrior. Be like Steph Curry.

仇敌兔脱时,大家都成了勇士。All are brave when the enemy flies.

大能的勇士阿,耶和华神与你同在。The Lord is with you, great soldier.

我们都是那黑夜中的勇士。We are all warriors in the darkness.

现在你应该叫我大牛勇士。You ought to call me Warrior Daniel.

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常常是一人对六牛,斗牛的勇士被称之为斗牛士。A fight is called a corrida de toros.

烈火试真金,不幸试勇士。Fire tess gold , adversity brave men.

那一刻,倒下的勇士得以欣然长辞。How had the brave who fell exulted now!

科尔是勇士队的教练。Steve Kerr is the coach of the Warriors.

勇士可能会颠仆但不会屈就。A brave man may fall but he cannot yield.

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火试金,逆境试勇士。The fire proves gold, adversity brave men.

千万不要让勇士打出快速突破比赛。Not let warriors run their fastbreak games.

冷静,细腻,一位真的勇士。Cool on the ball, skilful and a real battler.

那些塞莫皮莱的勇士最后怎样?。What happened to the warriors at Thermopylae?

哎呀,又一个勇士撑不下去了。Oh, another one does not survive the Warriors.

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但这样的斗争使他成为了勇士。But the fighting transforms him into a warrior.

勇士促使它完成并从中吸取能量,对不对?Warriors push through it and suck it up, right?