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请把酒瓶递给我。Pass me the bottle, please.

他拔去酒瓶的塞子。He uncorked the wine bottle.

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想要找星际迷航的酒瓶眼镜吗?Go for the Star Trek wine glasses.

让我躺在那些空酒瓶中间。Down among the dead men let me lie.

霉菌把Oremus地窖中的酒瓶包裹起来。Mold coats bottles in the Oremus cellar.

我在你背包里看到一个葡萄酒瓶。I can see a wine bottle in your backpack.

空红酒瓶被用作烛台。Empty wine bottles served as candlesticks.

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为什么我背包里会有葡萄酒瓶?Why do I have wine bottles in my backpack?

设计并绘制酒瓶的零件图。Finish the detail drawing of a wine bottle.

他通常用长脚酒杯或者酒瓶。He uses his, usually long, glass or bottle.

空酒瓶认为女人没甚大不了。Empty wine bottle have a bad opinion of women.

给我一杯威士忌,连酒瓶一起放着。Give me a shot of whiskey and leave the bottle.

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她用开塞钻打开了酒瓶。She opened the bottle of wine with a corkscrew.

你使用什么来找开酒瓶?What will you use for opening a wine-bottle with?

然后在晚间新闻的时候吃上两小酒瓶。And then eating two Mini Magnums during Newsnight.

用酒瓶子打坏了,今天缝了4针。With the bottles broke, and today 4 sewing needle.

他把酒瓶放在了头上并扣动了手枪的扳机。He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger.

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也可以把酒瓶盖上设置烛台。A candlestick can be also arranged on a wine bottle cap.

但这个葡萄酒瓶是我那封信的安全容器。But the wine bottle was a safe receptacle for my message.

拾空酒瓶在俄罗斯首都莫斯科是将垃圾挣钱的方式。It’s trash for cash in the Russian Capital City of Moscow.