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西陲野地的小溪!Wild streamlet of the West!

遗世独立于那片蜂儿高鸣的林间野地。And Live alone in the bee-loud glade.

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看那野地的百合如何生长。Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow.

他来到一片空旷的野地里,给自己挖了一个坟。He went to an open wild and dug himself a grave.

他们在野地露宿,靠吃野莱生活。They camped in the open and lived on wild plants.

游击队员在野地露宿,靠吃野菜生活。The guerrillas camped in the open and lived on wild plants.

野地上银白一片,远处围绕着暗绿色的常绿树木。The field is white and the wooded edges dark with evergreen.

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要深入野地多远。才能看到野生红毛猩猩?How far into the wild do you have to go to see wild orangutans ?

野地里有新鲜的露珠,有清洁的空气,让我们退到那里去呼吸罢!It is in the desert that the dew falls freshest and the air is purest.

林中出来的野猪,把他糟踏,野地的走兽,拿他当食物。Boars from the forest ravage it and the creatures of the field feed on it.

但是我永远也不会进入荒郊野地,在鱼钩上挂上虫饵,钓上一条鱼but I'll never go into the wilderness, skewer a worm on a hook, reel in a fish

到处都可以看到流离失所的家庭——河堤上,野地上和路边。Families are visible everywhere—on riverbanks, open ground and along the roadside.

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要进行这项工作,就必须居住在茺天野地里,但他们并不在意。To carry on the work would involve living in desolate lands, but they didn't mind.

在伯利恒之野地里有牧羊的人、夜间按著更次看守羊群。There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night.

在开了一小段路程后,她摇下车窗,把他丈夫的命根仍在了野地。After driving a short while, she rolled down the car window and threw it out into a field.

对这个男孩和他的家人来说,罗马郊外野地里的一张床垫就是家。Home for this boy and his family is a mattress in a field on the outskirts of Rome, Italy.

在那些永无尽头、一天天彼此交融的湿润夏日里,我们撒了野地跑着。We ran wild through humid summer days that never ended but only melted one into the other.

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他说,医疗组正在动员准备到受灾地建立一个野地医院。He said medical teams are mobilizing and preparing to set up a field hospital in the region.

他把马拉到长满蓟的野地里,只给它一点儿发霉的干草吃。He put the Horse out in a field full of thistles and gave it only a little mouldy hay to eat.

瑞士东南部一处没有降雪的野地里,有两名路人走在越野滑雪坡道上。Two people walk on a cross-country slope built on a snow-free field in southeast Switzerland.