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我扯开封口,劈头念信。I broke the seal and read.

劈头第一句话就问出了什么事。His first words were to ask what was up.

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我们到达公园时,就劈头下雨了。When we got to the park! it started to rain.

我们从这日一大早就劈头找这辆车了。We've reisly been looking for the car since early this morning.

漂流时,在劈头大浪中,努力睁开双眼所见。The one which I tried hard to open my eyes to see while rafting.

他继承研究宇宙劈头的理论。He continude working on the theory of the origin of the universe.

每年这个期间,农民们劈头犁地。At this time of the year ftricepers in order to plow their fields.

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这位师父劈头就问那女生有没有收人家的钱!?那女生说没有。That sifu direct ask the gal got take the money bo? She say didn't.

现对其劈头裂缝稳定性进行分析和评价。This paper analysed and appraised the stability of abutment cracks.

每年这个时刻,农民们劈头犁地。At this time of the year flimamount tors for you to plow their fields.

他走到门口劈头泼来一盆脏水。As he reached the door, he was showered straight on the head with a basin of slops.

我一到家爸爸劈头就是一顿痛骂,因为我没有经过他同意就骑他的自行车。As soon as I got home Father landed on me for using his bike without his permission.

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线材轧制过程中轧件出现劈头与尾裂是常见现象。The formed split end and tail cracking of wire rod during rolling are a common sight.

劈头于印度哲学的瑜伽在印度已经生长了数千年。Yoga's origins lie in Hidu philosophy, which was developed thousands of years ago in India.

片刻之间,倾盆大雨劈头泼下,阵阵狂风又沿着地面把它们刮成了一片片雨幕。And now a drenching rain poured down and the rising hurricane drove it in sheets along the ground.

当汤姆的同学还在学校苦读时,他依然劈头了本身的事业。Tom has opened his own industry while his cljusttmhadvertising campaigns remain slogging down at college.

太阳残忍地劈头照射下来,还有一种强烈的无法抵抗的感觉在空中流传。The sun was beating down mercilessly and there was an urge in the air and an overpowering sense of growth.

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从来没人问过我这个问题,更不用说被一个陌生人劈头盖脑问这样一个问题。It was a question I've never been asked before, and certainly not as an opening remark by a total stranger.

用断裂力学对单支墩大头坝的劈头裂缝进行稳定性分析。The study of cracks, in the diamond head of the Hengren buttress dam is made by means of fracture mechanics.

桓仁大坝上游面施工期发现严重的劈头缝20条,威胁大坝安全。There were 20 cracks at upstream face dam head of Huanren dam during construction which threatened dam safety.