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水墨画教学游戏化。First, teaching the game of ink.

美丽的西塘就像中国的水墨画一样迷人。Beautiful Xitang just like Chinese ink painting.

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水墨画家朱伟的水墨画就是一个很好的例子。The color ink wash paintings of Zhu Wei are a case in point.

朱伟对自己的水墨画带有叛逆性的自豪。Zhu Wei is proudly defiant about his approach to ink painting.

中国画与水墨画的区别到底在哪里呢?What are the differences between Chinese painting and wash painting?

每次去琉璃厂都发誓以后再也不画水墨画了。I vow not to make anymore ink paintings every time I visit Liulichang.

我边表演,两位画家边画水墨画。Two painters are painting ink and wash painting during my performance.

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近年来,我园在水墨画方面下工夫,现已初具特色。In recent years, I do park in the ink area, now in its characteristics.

她的作品融合了中国水墨画和西方印象派的风格。Her paintings combine the Chinese ink and wash style with Western impressionism.

那小桥、流水、人家、活脱脱一幅中国传统的水墨画。The bridge, river and beautiful house looked like a traditional Chinese painting.

百里漓江的每一处景致,都是一幅典型的中国水墨画。Hundred mile Lijiang River's each view, is a typical Chinese ink and wash painting.

这是一种现代中国水墨画极其少见的表现语言。This is a very rare representational language in contemporary Chinese ink painting.

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可以说,王劲松的水墨画是他自由心性的写照。One could say that Wang Jinsong's ink painting is a reflection of his love of freedom.

徜徉古镇街头,使人们仿佛置身于一副美丽的水墨画之中。Roaming in the town streets, you feel as if you were in a picturesque Chinese ink painting.

然而对于东方画系的中国水墨画,仿真研究尚处于初步阶段。However, as the apotheosis of the Oriental fine art system, the Chinese painting was not re.

那一次邂逅,你打着一把小雨伞,款款走过,此情此景,如同水墨画一般。That time meet, you dozen a small umbrella, leisurely place dauphine walk, ink, as the general.

这些作品从画面上看,他试-图使用一种具有中国水墨画特征的风-来传达他要说出的感觉。In terms of the images, he tries to express his feeling with the features of Chinese wash painting.

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这些作品从画面上看,他试图使用一种具有中国水墨画特征的风格来传达他要说出的感觉。In terms of the images, he tries to express his feeling with the features of Chinese wash painting.

虽然我喜欢油画,但我更喜欢中国水墨画,不知道能不能交个朋友呢。I like oil painting , but i prefer chinese wash painting to oil painting, can i make a friend with you.

研究日本“南画”的艺术形式及中国水墨画对它的影响是本文的主旨。The purpose of this article is to investigate the artistic individuality of Japanese literati painting.