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在爵士乐中,即兴反复片段是一个简单的曲调音型。In jazz music, a riff ias simple melodic figure.

节拍,是指一种重音与非重音循环出现的,简单而固定的律动音型。A simple, regular, recurring pattern with a pulse of accented and unaccented beats is called the meter.

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许多古典音乐家会戴著降低音量、但不会影响音型的耳塞来保护自己的耳朵。In fact, many classical musicians now wear earplugs that reduce the volume of sound without deforming it.

创造性的选择好、设计好伴奏音型是弹好歌曲伴奏准备工作中的重要内容。So choosing and designing accompany tonetype Creatively, it is an important contents to play song accompany well.

它像浪漫歌曲一样,配有简单的伴奏,倡议钢琴独奏形式演奏,在一定的节奏音型陪衬下走出歌唱一般的旋律线条。Like the Romance, it has simple accompaniment, accompanied by solo piano, which goes like the singing foiled by certain rhythm and pattern.

“音乐智能”就是音乐方面的思维能力,即听、辨各种不同音型、并将其牢记在心,甚或还可以运用之的能力。Musical intelligence is the capacity to think in music, to be able to hear patterns, recognize them, remember them, and perhaps manipulate them.

这是弦乐四重奏的模型,富有装饰性音型的引子不断持续,抹去了韵律的常规结构。This idea acts as a model for the string quartet whereby successive introductions of ornamental figures obliterate the regular structure of the verse.

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MCBC是一个宣教的教会,是福音型、扩展神国度的教会,是一个写灵修笔记或灵程札记的教会。MCBC is a mission church. It is a evangelical, enlarging God's Kingdom church. It is a church that brothers & sisters who write spiritual or devotion journal.

乐曲采用清脆明亮的竹笛领奏,模拟人们熟悉的京剧唱腔,配以轻快流畅的伴奏音型,构思别具一格,表现了一种欢快喜悦、生动活泼的情趣。Bamboo flute music with crisp bright lead player, accompanied by light accompaniment Silent smooth, unique idea, showing a cheerful and happy, lively atmosphere.

板胡的旋律轻松愉快,小提琴的固定音型好象扁担上下忽闪的弹性动作,展现了一幅优美的乡间画面。The beautiful country scenery is illustrated by the light-hearted and happy tune of banhu while the fixed sound pattern of violin imitates the elastic movement of the pole on his shoulder.

接着,在论述伴奏织体的三层次以及伴奏音型的三种基本形式的基础上,重点对伴奏音型的自身变化规律进行了研究。Then, on the base of discussing the three levels of accompaniment texture and the three basic forms of patterns of accompaniment is order to emphasis the patterns of accompaniment own variation.