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别让你的行为成为人家说三道四的话柄。Don't let your conduct give any handle for gossip.

诶,我不会在人背后说三道四,我会当着他的面说。Ay, I don't talk behind a nigga back, I say it in his face.

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但我们不能让伊桑对阿米莉亚的事说三道四。But we can't have Ethan running his mouth off about Amelia.

她是一个真正的幻想家,所以人们管她叫说三道四的老太婆。Which is why people chose to call her a gossip, when she was really a fantasist.

这是一个表达自我的好方法,还不用担心别人对你说三道四。This is a good way to express yourself without the fear of other people judging you.

董事长郑合适提出一定要成功,让不支持他们的人和说三道四者都无话可说。Chairman Zheng Heshi proposed to succeed, so that does not support them and who have nothing to say.

为了不让任何人对此说三道四,大多数自由移民权利的捍卫者已经发出了他们的声音。And let no one say that plenty of defenders of this right to freedom of movement have raised their voices.

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我讨厌自己这么做,因为我知道,如果我这么做,别人到我家的时候也会对我说三道四!I HATE this about myself because I know if I am doing it, then so is everyone else that comes to MY house!

在中国南部的新兴城市深圳,通常都很少说三道四的立法者们却开始罕见的抱怨起来。IN THE southern boomtown of Shenzhen, normally docile legislators have been complaining with unusual vigour.

如果他们确信自己知道应该如何,那么政府和国家无权对他们说三道四。If they believed that that is how they ought to act, then the state is in no position to tell them otherwise.

那一群说三道四的常客们聚集在小酒店里,议论那对医生夫妇。The regulars are holding a mother's meeting down at the pub to discuss the news about the doctor and his wife.

她说,她们都是些只会坐在边道线上对在场上拼搏的人说三道四的家伙。She told me that they were naysayers who would sit on the sidelines and criticize those who were out there trying.

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不管你说的是多么有趣的事情,在办公室说三道四一定会使你的工作走到尽头。No matter what funny things you are talking about, gossiping in the office is a surefire way to end your work life.

中国领导人也对自己最大的债务国在经济政策上对本国说三道四越发没有耐心。And China’s leaders have grown impatient with lectures on economic policy from their chief debtor, the United States.

美国人讨厌政治,因为他们认为,搞政治的人总急于对人们的私生活说三道四。Americans hate politics, they argue, because the political classes are too quick to moralise about people 's private lives.

不过,既然分档一直是国际足联比赛的重要游戏规则,那我们也不便说三道四,用阴谋论来指责它。Fifa cannot, at least, be accused of some shadowy conspiracy when seeding is always at the core of its regulations for tournaments.

现在我才明白,他若是去老梅尔乔理发馆的话,他可能永远都不会见到那个法国女人的,也就不会有人对他说三道四了。Now I realize that if he’d gone to Old Melchor’s he might never have met the French Woman, and no one would have gossiped about them.

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同富裕国家的人们一样,索韦托国家或南非部分城镇区的居民或许也会对外国人说三道四。Residents of Soweto, or other urban areas in South Africa, are likely to grumble about foreigners in the same way as in rich countries.

墙壁虽然没有耳朵,但是隔在墙另一头的人有,这个成语现在常常用来告诫人们要谨言慎行,不要说三道四。The walls may not have ears, but the person next door does. "This idiom is often used to alert people to be careful about their words."

通常,当有些很精明的程序员对我的做法说三道四,却又根本不知道我是在解决什么问题时,我很苦恼。In general, it bothers me to see elitist developers make limiting decisions on my behalf, without knowing what problem I am trying to solve.