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潘是一个县的县令。Pan was a county magistrate.

县令长与地方王侯的关系很微妙。The relation between the heads and the local lieges was subtle.

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县令夫人一开心,就让九妹随便提要求,她全部答应。Magistrates wife a happy, let nine younger sister asked casually, all her promise.

王元丰因此得到百姓拥戴,当上县令。Wang Yuanfeng gets common people support accordingly, should go up the county makes.

如今当了皇帝,你的权威反而不能行使到一个小小的县令身上吗?Now when the emperor, but can not exercise your authority to a small county so who you?

陈润,大历间人,终坊州鄜城县令。诗八首。Run Chen, Dali among people, and finally Fangzhou Carnival City magistrate. Eight Poems.

县令夫人见九妹自己就是个品味不俗的美人,便答应让九妹试试。Magistrates wife see nine sister that I am a taste good beauty, and try to make nine sister.

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任期制是唐代对县令进行管理的重要措施。The term of office is an important system for managing the heads of counties in Tang Dynasty.

他非常害怕,但县令是他的上司,所以不敢不饮。He was very frightened but he dared not turn down Ying Bin's offer because he was his superior.

从前,有个叫王鲁的人在中国东部的安徽作县令。Long long ago, a county magistrate named Wang Lu worked in present Anhui Province , east China.

因你们现是临安城人,所以临安县令急得跟什么似的。You are to face a city person of Anne now, so face Anne's county to make to get urgently heel what.

到了郊外,刘捕快看到新任捕头真要执行县令的命令,突然发动袭击,把他杀掉。To the outskirts, Liu Bukuai saw the new sheriff really enforce magistrate orders, suddenly attack, kill him.

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四喜胸有成竹,眼见大刀临头,还一直在说冷笑话,把县令气得七窍生烟。Four xi have answers, and see the sword, has also been said joke, tearing his hair out about the county magistrate.

每年的除夕,会设宴款待边疆诸藩、蒙古王子和民间的军事县令。Every New Year's Eve, banquets would be held to feast and honor margraves, Mongol princes and civil and military officials.

擎天见母亲一直心神不宁,不仅变装出门,还带着伤回来,不禁怀疑她才是杀县令的凶手。Giant saw his mother, has been upset, drag out not only, also with a back injury, wondering if she is the magistrate killer.

另外一个更大的县需要一个县令,他们的政府看到这个县治理得那么好,就决定让潘来接管他们的县。Everything went so well that when another, bigger county needed a magistrate, the government decided to send Pan to take over.

疤脸人答应给他解开绳子,让他跟着自己回去见县令,彭彪却暗中偷袭疤脸人。Scar face promised him untied the rope, let him follow him back to see the magistrate, but Peng Biao secretly sneak scar face.

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离奇的是,该县死去的四个县令皆曾是本地大善人桂万军之女婿。Bizarre is, 4 counties with this gone county make ever all was the son-in-law of Gui Mojun of this locality old charitable person.

仪门,顾名思义,礼仪之门,是县令接待贵宾和举行重大典礼的地方。This is the second door of Xian Ya ------Etiquette Door. The gate is used to open for the guests and major celebration activities.

晚上,县令刚躺下,就见一把利丸扎在床头,县令害怕,放了相如。The evening that Xiangru was arrested, no sooner the governmental official lied down than he saw a knife stabbed on the head of the bed.