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因此所制定的政策也大相径庭The political outcome is different.

这些民族主义或部落主义大相径庭。These nationalisms, or tribalisms vary widely.

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我和姐姐Mimi在很多方面大相径庭。My sister Mimi and I are opposite in many ways.

不过,这与霍布斯的论述是大相径庭的。But this is very different from Hobbes' sovereign.

在这个问题上,我们的观点大相径庭。Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.

但是这场英国内战的结果却与它的观点大相径庭But that's not the outcome of the English Civil War.

但它的实际行动与它的诺言大相径庭,至少在移动设备市场上如此。But its actions largely belie its words, at least in mobile.

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这条线两边的人对历史的解读也大相径庭。History, too, is read differently on either side of the border.

波义耳和笛卡尔的理论大相径庭。Now, very importantly Boyle's theory is different from Descartes.

然而,虽然原则上来说这是真的,实际上却大相径庭。While this is true in principle, it is very different in practice.

但是经济所要求的与我们必要的顿悟大相径庭。But what the economy required was at odds with a necessary epiphany.

这一最新看法与这位基地组织头目为了躲避中情局无人机的空中侦察而在地下掩体中艰难度日的说法大相径庭。in underground bunkers as he dodged CIA drones hunting him from the air.

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选择不同的基本单位,这种联系也大相径庭。But depending on the unit chosen, the associational networks will differ.

在每个方面,现在的阿富汗战争都大相径庭。In every respect, the war today in Afghanistan is dramatically different.

这些构造可以根据业务需求而大相径庭。These constructs can vary greatly depending on the business requirements.

这和在家乡干净整齐,毫无异味的购物感受大相径庭。It's not at all like the sanitary, scent-free shopping experience of home.

这两个会议在内容、主题和步调上大相径庭。In terms of content, theme and pacing, the two events are wildly different.

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不要相信任何人,所有的事情都与表面现象大相径庭!Do not trust anybody, all things are widely divergent with their superficies.

但是让我感到震惊的恰恰就是同样偏远的两个区域会被不同的大自然力量改造的大相径庭。But it was striking to me how equally remote regions are hewn by different forces.

这就产生了一种与中世纪教条主义者大相径庭的思想倾向。This produces a temper of mind very different from that of the medieval dogmatist.