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提出旋转效应判别式。The criterion of rotating effect is suggested.

人们可以证明分子的判别式为正。One can show that the discriminant of the numerator is positive.

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同时给出了洞室围岩所处应力状态的判别式。The distinguished equation of surrounding rock's stress-state was given.

应用线性判别式分析对所提取的特征进行分类。Then linear discriminant analysis was applied to classify the extracted features.

导出了筒子卷绕密度计算式和纱圈重叠判别式,它们比现有公式好。In this article, the formula on winding density and discriminant for ribboning are deduced.

为此,讨论强支撑框架判别式的合理性。Therefore, the rationality of the discriminant for the strongly braced frames is discussed.

文中提出了实际最大产率超过综合平衡产率的条件判别式,引入了判别因子。A discriminant for the condition of AMY beyond GEY and discrimination factor are presented this paper.

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文中提出了实际最大产率超过综合平衡产率的条件判别式,引入了判别因子。A discriminant for the condition of AMY beyond GEY and discrimination factor are presented in this paper.

本文用主分量分析法建立了雷云等强对流天气的综合判别式。This paper presents a comprehensive recognition formula of hailstorm cloud by using principal component analysis.

为了获得重要的特征集合,提出了一种基于判别式分析算法和神经网络的特征选择方法。A new approach for feature selection based on discriminant analysis and regularization neural network was proposed.

这个问题是,在探究婴儿拥有什么类型的概念时,是否对婴儿应用了判别式条件作用The question of whether discriminant conditioning has been used with babies to explore what sort of concepts they have.

这个问题是,在探究婴儿拥有什么类型的概念时,是否对婴儿应用了判别式条件作用。The question of whether discriminant conditioning has been used with babies to explore what sort of concepts they have.

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文章利用代数体函数中的结式和判别式研究了代数体函数的相关性质,推广了代数函数中的一些结果。This paper discusses the related properties of algebroid function with eliminant and discriminant in algebroid function.

使用这一套判别式,干涉对象不仅可以表示为多面体,也可以表示为圆柱体,球体以及它们的任意组合体。A series of criteria for interference detection are de-rived for polyhedron, cylinders, spheres, and combination of them.

实验结果表明,使用该判别式能够直接根据工况参数正确预测气缸是否出现爬行现象。The results showed that the criterion can correctly predict whether stick-slip will occur directly from working parameters.

结果显示,对于中文依存句法分析,决策式句法分析在性能上好于产生式和判别式句法分析。The results show that, for Chinese dependency parsing, action-based parsers outperform generative and discriminative parsers.

讨论了在某些特殊情况下利用二次方程的判别式求分式函数值域时可能发生的错误。We discussed the possible mistakes when solving fractional function's value by quadratic discriminant in some special situations.

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构造了一个多元隶属函数判别式,提出了一种电子产品寿命的预报方法。A discriminant of multivariable membership function is constructed. A prediction method of electron product lifetime is presented.

根据线性回归显著性分析原理导出了威布尔分布检验判别式。Based on the analysis principle of significance of linear regression, the examination criterion of Weibull distribution is derived.

论文导出了采区稳定性的判别式,并提出了具体的预防措施。The discriminant of the stability of the air flow at mining areas was educed in this paper, and idiographic prevent measures were put forward.