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丁太太来了。Mrs Dean came.

是斯蒂文森太太吗?Mrs. Stevenson?

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他太太嚎叫起来。His wife howled.

阿切尔太太脸色煞白。Mrs. Archer paled.

那家伙有位太太。The guy had a wife.

达什伍德太太说。said Mrs. Dashwood.

他的太太是一位护士。His wife is a nurse.

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我的太太怀孕了。My wife is pregnant.

这是我的太太,苏。This is my wife, Sue.

您是桑多瓦尔太太吗?Are you Mrs. Sandoval?

他瞒着太太在外面拈花惹草。He cheats on his wife.

是他的太太。His wife is So Bitchy.

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李太太问基蒂和本。Li asks Kitty and Ben.

也谢谢你,范太太。And thank you Mrs. Vann.

早上好,山羊太太。Good morning, Mrs. Goat.

没有,太太,没露出来。No, madam-nothing shows.

这时,我看见丹弗斯太太。Then I saw Mrs. Danvers.

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你可以走了,华克太太。You can go, Mrs. Walker.

谢谢你,Vann太太。And thank you, Mrs. Vann.

王太太是贤慧的妻子。Mrs. Wang is a good wife.