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这个牌匾是铜铸的,并非金铸的。This board am cast in bronze not in gold.

这个牌匾是铜铸的,否则金铸的。This board were cast in bronze not in gold.

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他的这个故事已经记录在了山顶的一个牌匾上。His tale is recorded on a mountain-top plaque.

他们揭开牌匾为新学校主持揭幕礼。They unveiled the plaque to open the new school.

签名标识的牌匾和金音详细的硬件。Signature logo plaque and gold-tone detailed hardware.

牌匾的题款乃是画龙点睛之笔。The plaque is the title section of the finishing touch pen.

村公所里有一块纪念该艺术家的牌匾。There is a commemorative plaque to the artist in the village hall.

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集团公司领导为部分获奖单位颁发了牌匾、锦旗和奖杯。Units for some of the leadership group winners awarded a plaque, banner, and trophy.

她甚至都没有看一眼苏珊书架上摆放着的各种名衔牌匾和她的全家福照片。She didn't even glance at the titles on Susan's bookshelf or peer at her family photos.

广大乡下地区,此种牌匾随处可见,遍布学校、农场和商店。Across the countryside, similar plaques are visible, posted at schools, farms and shops.

并荣获组委会颁发的“海峡两岸重点支持互联网单位”牌匾。And won the organizing committee to issue "the cross-strait key support Internet unit" board.

奥巴马先生停下来看了看用来纪念陷落消防队员的一座青铜牌匾前。Mr. Obama paused to look at a bronze plaque honoring the fallen firefighters from the station.

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牌匾将在全额付讫首年会费或首次续费后寄送给您。Your plaque will be forwarded upon payment of your first full year's subscription or first renewal.

想想那些牌匾、奖牌、丝带、铭牌、证明书和横幅为你所带来的浪漫吧。Just think of the romantic possibilities of plaques, medals, ribbons, nameplates, certificates and banners.

金花边还分发我们独特的树脂奖杯,奖牌和牌匾定制和运动服装及配件。Golden Laces also distributes our unique resin trophies , custom medals and plaques and sports apparel and accessories.

你现在仍然可以在许多老商店的牌匾上,甚至在当铺使用的白红绿霓虹招牌上都可以见到这种配色方案。You can still see this color scheme in many old shop signs and even the white, red and green neon signs used by pawnshops.

科尔伯特跑步机将被安装在“宁静港湾”,此外奋进号还携带了裱着数块非同寻常岩石碎片的牌匾。The Colbert treadmill will wind up in Tranquility, along with some extraordinary rocks mounted on a plaque aboard Endeavour.

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一个所谓的“坏”胆固醇水平高会导致血液中,它可以减缓血液流向心脏的牌匾。A high level of so-called "bad" cholesterol causes plaque in the bloodstream, which can slow down the blood flow to the heart.

文字的载体已经从木质纸浆悄悄变为像素——其中有台式电脑、手机、笔记本、游戏控制台、电视、广告栏和牌匾。Words have migrated from wood pulp to pixels on computers, phones, laptops, game consoles, televisions, billboards and tablets.

国家博物馆在举办一场令人叹为观止的展览,展出公元前8世纪时期的金制装饰品、牌匾及武器等。An extraordinary exhibition in Tuva's National Museum shows gold ornaments, plaques and weaponry dating back to the 8th Century BC.