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黑衣男人语调轻缓。The man in black spoke softly.

主席一直以沉闷的语调讲了几小时。The chairman droned on for hours.

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语调是埋怨责怪的那种。The tone was bitter and accusatory.

另一个因素是美国语调的变化。Another factor is a change in US tone.

这全部是语调问题。And all it was is the intonation there.

消除机器的语调。Eliminated are the robotic intonations.

她的语调象收税员一样的平直。Her tone was flat as a tax collector's.

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他说话时语调不紧不慢。When he talked, his tone was unhurried.

英语语调不难学。English intonation is not hard to learn.

他从不喜欢她那欠人钱的语调。He’d never liked her condescending tone.

只有在你用一个冷静的语调说话的时候,我才会听你的。I only listen when you use a calm voice.

她说话的声音平稳,语调实在。Her voice was steady and her tone factual.

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他颤抖的双手戮穿了他平静的语调。His trembling hands belied his calm voice.

英语语调亦不例外。The English intonation is of no exception.

他在电视上的语调是严肃而中规中矩的。His tone on the air is serious and scripted.

泰丝用同样不耐烦的语调答到。Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone.

新闻标题应该与新闻的语调相配合。A headline should match the tone of the story.

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她继续用那种颇带几分伤感的语调说话。She continued in the same rather maudlin tone.

她以悲伤的语调接著往下说。Her speech continued in the same dismal strain.

他说,语调低沉严肃。McMahan, " he said in his deep, serious tones."