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组织干货及蔬菜的储存。Organises the storage of dry goods and vegetables.

近些年来,埃及在干货上尝试相似的运作模式。In recent years Egypt has tried something similar with dry goods.

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关于供罗的海干货系数下列哪个陈述是正确的?Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the Baltic Dry Index?

检查完干货以后,我们又去了冷冻房去检查。After checking dry goods storage we went up to the frozen food storage.

本公司成立于2001年,为私人自营海产干货有限公司。The company was established in 2001 for private self-dry seafood Limited.

迪化街是南北货集中点,这里各式干货一应俱全。Di Huajie is concentrated north-south goods, dry goods all kinds of everything here.

专业生产、经营面制食品及糖果、干货等产品。Professional production, management Flour Food and candy, dry goods and other products.

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干货,冷冻肉制品类的大型货物——这都是美国超市运营的一部分。A huge cargo of dry goods and frozen meats—it’s all part of the super-sizing of America.

你可以买一些干货比如像面粉,豆子,大米,意大利面,浓缩牛奶和大量的鸡蛋。You can buy dry-food items such as flour, beans, rice, pasta, dried milk and eggs in bulk.

而在2008年,许多承运商人就散装干货费率方向上下错了赌注。Many shippers made derivative bets mistakenly on the direction of dry bulk rates during 2008.

波罗的海干货指数已从之前的可怜低点,逐渐恢复到7月24日的3345的位置。The Baltic Dry Index has recovered from its pitiful low, creeping back up to 3,345 on July 24th.

每日推荐可设置是否显示图片及查看具体某一天的干货信息。Recommended daily can set whether to display images and view specific one day dry cargo information.

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我们的厨房没有食物储存柜,所以我们把饼干和其他干货放在浴室的毛巾下面。We didn't have a kitchen pantry, so our crackers and dry goods were in the bathroom under the towels.

其他的优良钾源包括干果,花生酱,麸皮,肉类,干货蚕豆,豌豆,咖啡,茶和可可。Other good sources include dried fruits, peanut butter, bran, meats, dried beans, peas, coffee, tea and cocoa.

主要生产国际标准干货集装箱,具备年产近18万标箱的生产能力。The main production is the international standard dry van with an annual throughout of about 180 thousands TEU.

在华新开发区三泰市场,一家干货店老板热情的向记者介绍。Lately develop ward three thalline market places in R. O. C, a drysaltery boss enthusiasm of recommend to the reporter.

在江苏省南京市,调色剂、火锅香料等火锅添加剂在几个干货市场都很常见。Hotpot additives such as toners and hotpot spices were found to be popular at several dry-food markets around Nanjing, Jiangsu.

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把黄油和糖混在一起搅拌至松软起沫。加入鸡蛋和蜂蜜一起搅拌,直到混合均匀。然后,慢慢把干货食料加进去。Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the egg and honey and beat until well combined. Gradually beat in dry ingredients.

以马士基世界级品牌,创新的方式使我们的客户满意,同时成为钢质普通干货集装箱行业的领头羊。MCID aim to be innovative in satisfying customers with our worldwide class brand, and to be leading company in dry cargo container industry.

山东潍坊旺辉集团有限公司经营的干货、东北人参、干货畅销消费者市场。The Shandong Weifang prosperous splendor group Limited company manages solid stuff, Northeast ginseng, solid stuff best-selling consumer market.