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这是振幅。This is the amplitude.

小振幅的振动剪切流。Small-amplitude oscillatory shear flow.

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这就是所谓的“振幅键控”。This is called "amplitude shift keying".

振幅,等于15厘米。as an amplitude, which is 15 centimeters.

振动台的振幅可获得控制。Amplitude of the vibrating table is controlled.

开盘价应该作为当日振幅范围的一端。The open should act as one extreme of this range.

如果振幅变大,能量就变大。The energy just gets bigger if the amplitude get bigger.

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进一步去极化,振幅反而下降。Further depolarization resulted in a decrease of amplitude.

但出现肌萎缩时振幅也变小。But the amplitude when occurrence amyotrophy also decrescent.

该方法设计出的掩模为振幅和相位连续。The amplitudes and phases of the devised mask are continuous.

采用吹气法在线测量脉冲萃取柱脉冲振幅参数。Online measurement of pulse amplitude by air purge was studied.

主要指标视觉诱发电位P100潜伏期和振幅。Main Outcome Measures Latency and amplitude of wave P100 in P-VEP.

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适宜的振幅、动频率,适合不同土壤和铺层厚度。Proper frequency and amplitude for different soil and layer depth.

清扫器清扫物料时不会大振幅跳动。The sweeper cannot vibrate in high amplitude when sweeping the stuff.

粗糙面的大小对振幅谱的影响不显著。It is obvious that the asperity size effects on the amplitude spectrum.

对低血钾致QRS波振幅增高的机理进行了探讨。The article discussed the mechanism of the higher QRS complex amplitude.

看看不同谐波振幅的变化如何改变波。See how changing the amplitudes of different harmonics changes the waves.

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不同取样速率将产生所对应的振幅总和。The different sampling rates will cause their relative sum of amplitudes.

阐明了用数字记录的包络振幅估算峰值放大倍率的方法。The way to size-up peak-amplification ratio by eye-estimates is detailed.

这代表振幅向后面波瓣传递的相继各阶段。This represents successive stages of transfer of amplitude to later lobes.