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棉农通过游说使这一议案得以通过。The cotton farmers lobbied this bill through.

现在,美国也补助巴西的棉农。Now the U.S. paying Brazilian cotton farmers, too.

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这份研究涉及棉铃虫,对棉农来说,这是最大的威胁。The study involved bollworms, a major threat to cotton farmers.

绝大多数棉农仍使用化学肥料和除虫剂。The vast majority of cotton farmers still use chemical fertilizers and pest control agent.

相比之下,世界上最贫穷的国家之一的马里,有大约16000名棉农。By contrast, there are some 16, 000 cotton farmers in Mali, one of the poorest nations in the world.

一位新疆哈密的棉农正在忙着采棉花。A farmer picks cotton on a farm on the outskirts of Hami, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region November 3, 2010.

棉农的从棉花的收入只有美公斤30美分,如此低额的收入难以抵消高额的生产成本。Cotton farmers are just paid US 30 cents for a kg of cotton, which is not viable to offset the high production costs.

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旱粮棉区的棉农创造了多种棉花和粮食作物的间作套种方式。In the dry crop areas, the cotton planters have developed various patterns relay-interplanting of cotton and cereals.

高额补贴导致全球棉花价格低靡,使得西非和其他地区的贫困棉农遭受收入损失。Huge subsidies depress the world price in cotton, taking income away from poor producers in West Africa and elsewhere.

仅举一例为证,由于棉农的政治影响力,棉花价格无法被监管,但是普通棉布的价格受到监管。To cite just one example, the price of cotton was not controlled because of the political influence of cotton farmers.

若棉农放弃对棉花的种植将会给极大的依赖于该作物的纺织行业带来巨大的损失。Abandonment of cotton crop by the farmers would take its toll on the textile industry that immensely depends on this crop.

由于后市看涨,多数棉农持观望态度,惜售心理较重,市场成交量较少。Because most cotton farmers market outlook is bullish, becoming ambivalent, psychological is heavy, market rised less volume.

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在一篇来自马里的报告中描述了棉农们的困境,他们的生活完全被扭曲的市场打乱,现在靠着美国政府的补助为生。A report from Mali describes the plight of cotton farmers who depend for their livelihoods on a market heavily skewed by American subsidies.

其他谈判代表则说在大选年里,美国决不可能跟包括棉农在内的农业游说团体正面对抗。Other negotiators said that in an election year, the United States probably never wanted to confront its farm lobby, including cotton farmers.

这个纺织厂雇员超过了1000人,支撑了赞比亚北部地区卡布的经济,同时还为数千当地的棉农提供了就业机会。The mill employed more than 1,000 people, propped up the economy of Kabwe in northern Zambia and kept thousands of cotton growers in business.

许多棉农不肯旅行他们以低价签订的合同,在产棉区造成了数十起诉讼案件。Many farmers refused to perform the contracts that they had made at the lower price, and scores of lawsuits resulted throughout the cotton belt.

一项美国研究者做出的研究表明中国转基因棉花引发了次要昆虫数量的上升,并侵蚀了棉农们的利润。Chinese farmers growing genetically modified cotton have triggered an increase in insect pests that has cut their profits say US-based researchers.

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另一方面,中国棉花供应商和机械制造商也可以为非洲的棉农和轧花厂提供产品。On the other hand, Chinese cotton inputs providers and machinery manufacturers can offer their products and services to African farmers and ginners.

最低保护价对稳定市场价格有一定作用,但目前这一价格还不能充分调动棉农种棉的积极性。Minimum protective price to price stability have a certain role, but at this price are not yet fully mobilize the enthusiasm of cotton growers ' cotton.

同时,中国种植抗虫棉的棉农报告称,杀虫剂毒害事件少于常规品种种植。At the same time, Chinese cotton farmers cultivating Bt strains reported fewer instances of pesticide poisoning than those growing conventional varieties.