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控制洗浴时间。Limit bath time.

他脱衣洗浴。He stripped for a bath.

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请自带洗浴用品。Please use your own toilette.

然后也进了洗浴间。Then also entered the ablutions.

洗浴间在两个卧室之间。The washing-room is between two bedrooms.

您也同样可以尝试“超级防敏”洗浴二合一。Also try our "Super Sensitive" Shampoo & BodyWash.

她的创作主题围绕着织物和黑暗中的洗浴。Her subjects are wrapped in fabric, bathing in darkness.

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每间现代浴室内都提供洗浴用品和吹风机。The bathrooms have walk-in showers, hairdryers and toiletries.

轻症者可用栓剂、无刺激性的缓泻药及洗浴等法治疗。Mild hemorrhoids may require only ointments, laxatives, and baths.

真是太妙了,能再次用好闻的洗浴产品!It's wonderful to be able to use lovely smelling bath products again!

而安全可洗浴的水的标准是,每百毫升大肠菌群含量不到500。In water that is safe for bathing this figure should be less than 500!

以喙或脚梳理羽毛、洗浴、举翅和打哈欠等。Preening with bill or legs, bathing, putting up the wing, and yawning.

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三门峡洗哪有好的洗浴按摩的地方?Sanmen Gorge washes taking bath which finishes having the massage place?

洗浴后皮肤油腻,浑身舒畅,气血通顺,心旷神怡。Oily skin after bathing, every mind and the body fluent in its landscaping.

在俄罗斯,不分性别的洗浴房很少,多少有点肮脏的含义。In Russia, mixed-sex banyas are rare and have a somewhat sleazy connotation.

这就是盐浴适合干性皮肤的原因。一次30分钟盐浴的清洁效果等同于三天匆匆洗浴的效果。The cleansing effects of a 30-minute sole bath equal that of a three-day fast.

学校给这些家长提供垫絮,床单,洗浴设施及热茶。The school also provided sleeping mats, coverlets, bath facilities and hot tea.

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我们把手机带上餐桌,揣入卧室,甚至拿进了洗浴间。We take them with us to the dinner table, the bedroom, even the bathroom stall.

这是一次性浴帽和底裤,洗浴后,请更换上浴服。Here is one-off bathing cap and panties, please change bathing dress after bathe.

她和姐妹们被要求洗浴,然后,除了鞋子,什么也不准留下。She and her sisters were ordered to shower and left with nothing but their shoes.